


发布时间 : 2021-05-21 14:30:43



新冠疫情如同黑天鹅一般,改变了人们的工作生活。不仅让RSA Conference首次以全虚拟化的形式与大家相见,也让人们与网络深层捆绑,网络安全的重要性越发凸显。

RSA Conference作为全球瞩目的行业先锋会议,一直是技术研究发展的风向标。今年,官方从2000份早期报告中洞见未来趋势,经过反复的筛选与研判,终于在今年的RSAC2021上重磅发布了新一年度的十大安全趋势。




Evolution of Roles: As we’ve seen every year, there were many submissions that spoke to the evolution of the CISO, who is increasingly required to have more frequent communication with the board; thus, attendees at RSA Conference 2021 will have the opportunity to learn about the ways that CISOs can develop new communications skills. We are seeing a trend in the rise of Chief Product Security Officers (CPSOs), a role PC member Megan Samford on the Securing All the Things track pointed out is separate from a CISO. The CPSO, “covers the security of what a company sells—building security in, both in terms of features and secure development throughout the lifecycle of a product.”




Straight Talk about ML & AI:This year’s PC for the ML & AI track was pleased to see talks that focused on the practical realities of using AI and ML. “These are vast, confusing technical areas, and in previous years we saw a lot of “magic unicorn glitter”—which made this year’s submission a welcome change,” wrote Diana Kelley and Saurabh Shintre. “The trend this year was towards lessons learned, applicable takeaways for organizations and practitioners as well as limitations and issues around potential harms of AI.” Kelley and Shintre really appreciate seeing more practical use cases in submissions offering ways to generate and catch spam using AI tools like Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3), how ML can inject fairness into federated learning, how to stop attacks on advanced driving-assistance systems, and how ML is in use today at large financial services institutions to advance data visualization and automation to combat fraud.




Information Manipulation and Its Impact: A resounding theme this year is echoed in the title of one of this year’s Human Element sessions: Invisible Security: Protecting Users with No Time to Spare. Trending more than phishing, though, was disinformation campaigns. Andrea Little Limbago, PC member on the Human Element track, wrote,“There were also several submissions on disinformation campaigns and their security impact. On the one hand, this is not surprising given the widespread impact of these campaigns from many of the same threat actors.”




Ransomware Attacks: Greg Day was not surprised to see a continued focus on ransomware in the Hackers & Threats track. “We have seen the attacks becoming more sophisticated and targeted. Often they are now carrying multiple payloads such as ransoming data access but also either reselling the data on or extorting further funds under threat of posting non-public data in the public domain,” Day wrote. “And while some ransomware is still focused on random victims, others have become far more targeted. The healthcare industry has certainly seen the pain from this.”




Share and Share Alike: Submissions reviewed by the Analytics, Intelligence & Response PC revealed that more intelligence sharing is needed. Todd Inskeep wrote, “Several organizations have learned lessons that work in specific sectors (like the Cyber Threat Alliance for the cybersecurity industry) and plan to share lessons on how to make sharing work better and make it more valuable. Perhaps the most intriguing thesis is that aligning intelligence sharing to business needs can drive more valuable sharing of insights.”




Resilience of People, Processes and Technologies:Resilience, which is core to our industry and is key to define clearly, was highlighted more and more in submissions as discussions shift to calibration of risk; indeed, our Risk Management & Governance track is full of actionable approaches. The challenge of the rapid flip to a predominantly dispersed workforce was significant enough that we decided to highlight it in the new Securing the Remote Workforce track, designed to provide prescriptive guidance to threats from a home-based workforce and recommendations for organizations needing to adjust to the normalization of changes that have been implemented. The track will also look into the future and deliver concrete ideas to help organizations thrive in a sea of change. Assessments have shined the light on challenges and opportunities for organizations that have quickly pivoted, and continuous controls monitoring is being used to help companies raise the bar and evolve cybersecurity resilience. Threat hunting was a significant “micro trend” within this macro trend of resilience, with submissions focused on proactive approaches and picking up on untraditional and difficult-to-find threat indicators like lateral movement, exfiltration, compromised accounts, C2 activity detection, impossible journeys, internal recon, abnormal processes and many more nuanced activities as they worked to scan themselves in search of problems. The significant uptick on “art of the hunt” submissions was of great interest, as was the employment of artificial intelligence to enhance the work of human hunters.




Supply Chain Security & Software Integrity:Another trend within the macro trend of resilience that bears its own review is supply chain security and, related, software integrity, particularly in light of the SolarWinds breach and the ever-growing list of related breaches, a theme that will be touched on in many keynote and track sessions. The 2021 submissions explored the implications of our supply chains on third-party risk, physical security, operational security and business continuity, and also examined the very real and growing geopolitical tensions on supply chain resilience. Always seeking actionable guidance in the material put forward for RSA Conference attendees, the Program Committee was pleased to see sessions focused on the Digital Bill of Materials (DBoM) and Software Bill of Materials (SBoM) as tools to help address supply chain risk management challenges and public-private collaboration opportunities. Reliability, code integrity and good development practices as a theme within DevSecOps & Software Security submissions was also at an all-time high in the proposals reviewed, pointing to steps in our community toward more secure application development processes.


(SOLARWINDS 供应链攻击事件波及全球)



Zero Trust … with Whispers of SASE Emerging:Zero Trust, likely assisted by the overnight remote workforce, rocketed up the adoption curve. We’ve started to see a healthy bank of submissions from end-user organizations willing to share explicit, direct experiences and recommendations coupled with guidance on controls and technologies needed to help overcome roadblocks to implementation and ease the steep learning curve. Submissions have matured to explorations of security capabilities, debates about the pros and cons of standardizing interfaces (i.e., APIs) for integrating different vendor products, potential architectural challenges and opportunities, and actionable guidance for companies looking to secure access for workers, workloads and the Enterprise of Things. SASE, however, seems to be where CASB was a few years ago, ascending the vendor hype cycle, though we would anticipate seeing rapid changes here.





All Hail the Cloud:Related, but worth its own call out, is the explosion of high-quality cloud security-related submissions. Sessions explored the challenges and opportunities of remote management and delivery of … everything. “Everything as a Service” themes, supported by a cloud infrastructure, permeated submissions—endpoint, identity, network, email and security operations centers, as ways to protect sensitive information, were examined. Submissions also explored the impact of primarily cloud-based deployments on timely dissemination of threat intelligence to all vectors of compromise, which are no longer deployed in centralized locations. On the application security front, we also observed submissions around purpose-built cloud applications that required security in the apps, and on the other end, more adoption of cloud services, with the expectation of app security built-in. The far-reaching impact of this rapid move to the cloud will arguably be felt for years, presenting—perhaps—an opportunity for security to no longer introduce friction into the system and rather help reduce friction in the system. Indeed, there seems to be a significant opportunity here for developers.


( 某企业云安全访问服务(Sangfor Access)架构图)



Privacy Further Entrenched into Architecture & Operations:The changing nature of the privacy conversation, which we did touch on in last year’s trends, continues to evolve. Whereas in the early years our Privacy track was fairly narrow and of interest exclusively to privacy practitioners, this year the overlap of selections of “privacy-minded” sessions within other tracks was profound, and mature privacy-focused frameworks and codification of processes have emerged that will further drive privacy into corporate architecture and operations. Very clearly, privacy is a cornerstone to the cybersecurity ecosystem, seeming to move to a core value vs. a compliance checkbox for many, though unintended consequences are emerging and the hackers are taking note. The tone of privacy-related submissions also changed. Last year CCPA seemed positioned to take over the federal scene and radically disrupt industry but seemed to lose some steam when COVID-19 hit, and the tenuous balance between privacy and security lay raw, exemplified very clearly in contract tracing challenges and other risks related to identity tracking. New legislation in the area of data protection, privacy and security has also emerged, and the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) with its GDPR-like reach in California will likely change the way we’re regulating ourselves in upcoming years. And, as with every other area of our lives and industry, COVID-19 has likely forever impacted the relationship between privacy and security, and clear lessons have been learned.




在疫情的考验下,让RSAC 2021今年的主题“弹性”(Resilience),越发引人深醒。而今年公布的十大安全趋势中,从勒索软件、供应链安全、零信任到云安全,已多次映入现实,让人们看见网络安全威胁的破坏性。



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