


发布时间 : 2020-04-21 14:30:59


本文是翻译文章,文章原作者 h0mbre,文章来源:h0mbre.github.io










VMWare Workstation

Kali VM 1CPU 1 Core




#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import random
from pexpect import run
from pipes import quote

# read bytes from our valid JPEG and return them in a mutable bytearray 
def get_bytes(filename):

    f = open(filename, "rb").read()

    return bytearray(f)

def bit_flip(data):

    num_of_flips = int((len(data) - 4) * .01)

    indexes = range(4, (len(data) - 4))

    chosen_indexes = []

    # iterate selecting indexes until we've hit our num_of_flips number
    counter = 0
    while counter < num_of_flips:
        counter += 1

    for x in chosen_indexes:
        current = data[x]
        current = (bin(current).replace("0b",""))
        current = "0" * (8 - len(current)) + current

        indexes = range(0,8)

        picked_index = random.choice(indexes)

        new_number = []

        # our new_number list now has all the digits, example: ['1', '0', '1', '0', '1', '0', '1', '0']
        for i in current:

        # if the number at our randomly selected index is a 1, make it a 0, and vice versa
        if new_number[picked_index] == "1":
            new_number[picked_index] = "0"
            new_number[picked_index] = "1"

        # create our new binary string of our bit-flipped number
        current = ''
        for i in new_number:
            current += i

        # convert that string to an integer
        current = int(current,2)

        # change the number in our byte array to our new number we just constructed
        data[x] = current

    return data

def magic(data):

    magic_vals = [
    (1, 255),
    (1, 255),
    (1, 127),
    (1, 0),
    (2, 255),
    (2, 0),
    (4, 255),
    (4, 0),
    (4, 128),
    (4, 64),
    (4, 127)

    picked_magic = random.choice(magic_vals)

    length = len(data) - 8
    index = range(0, length)
    picked_index = random.choice(index)

    # here we are hardcoding all the byte overwrites for all of the tuples that begin (1, )
    if picked_magic[0] == 1:
        if picked_magic[1] == 255:            # 0xFF
            data[picked_index] = 255
        elif picked_magic[1] == 127:        # 0x7F
            data[picked_index] = 127
        elif picked_magic[1] == 0:            # 0x00
            data[picked_index] = 0

    # here we are hardcoding all the byte overwrites for all of the tuples that begin (2, )
    elif picked_magic[0] == 2:
        if picked_magic[1] == 255:            # 0xFFFF
            data[picked_index] = 255
            data[picked_index + 1] = 255
        elif picked_magic[1] == 0:            # 0x0000
            data[picked_index] = 0
            data[picked_index + 1] = 0

    # here we are hardcoding all of the byte overwrites for all of the tuples that being (4, )
    elif picked_magic[0] == 4:
        if picked_magic[1] == 255:            # 0xFFFFFFFF
            data[picked_index] = 255
            data[picked_index + 1] = 255
            data[picked_index + 2] = 255
            data[picked_index + 3] = 255
        elif picked_magic[1] == 0:            # 0x00000000
            data[picked_index] = 0
            data[picked_index + 1] = 0
            data[picked_index + 2] = 0
            data[picked_index + 3] = 0
        elif picked_magic[1] == 128:        # 0x80000000
            data[picked_index] = 128
            data[picked_index + 1] = 0
            data[picked_index + 2] = 0
            data[picked_index + 3] = 0
        elif picked_magic[1] == 64:            # 0x40000000
            data[picked_index] = 64
            data[picked_index + 1] = 0
            data[picked_index + 2] = 0
            data[picked_index + 3] = 0
        elif picked_magic[1] == 127:        # 0x7FFFFFFF
            data[picked_index] = 127
            data[picked_index + 1] = 255
            data[picked_index + 2] = 255
            data[picked_index + 3] = 255

    return data

# create new jpg with mutated data
def create_new(data):

    f = open("mutated.jpg", "wb+")

def exif(counter,data):

    command = "exif mutated.jpg -verbose"

    out, returncode = run("sh -c " + quote(command), withexitstatus=1)

    if b"Segmentation" in out:
        f = open("crashes2/crash.{}.jpg".format(str(counter)), "ab+")

    #if counter % 100 == 0:
    #    print(counter, end="r")

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print("Usage: JPEGfuzz.py <valid_jpg>")

    filename = sys.argv[1]
    counter = 0
    while counter < 1000:
        data = get_bytes(filename)
        functions = [0, 1]
        picked_function = random.choice(functions)
        picked_function = 1
        if picked_function == 0:
            mutated = magic(data)
            mutated = bit_flip(data)

        counter += 1


  • 注释掉了每100次迭代输出换行的代码;
  • 添加print语句提醒每次的段错误;
  • 硬编码1000次迭代;
  • 暂时添加了一行picked_function = 1,在测试中只使用一种变异方法(bit_flip())。


我们使用了Python中的cProfile模块来测试这1000次迭代中时间都花费在了哪里。如果你还记得的话,这个程序的参数是一个指向有效JPEG文件的文件路径,所有完整的命令行语法是:python3 -m cProfile -s cumtime JPEGfuzzer.py ~/jpegs/Canon_40D.jpg



2476093 function calls (2474812 primitive calls) in 122.084 seconds

   Ordered by: cumulative time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
     33/1    0.000    0.000  122.084  122.084 {built-in method builtins.exec}
        1    0.108    0.108  122.084  122.084 blog.py:3(<module>)
     1000    0.090    0.000  118.622    0.119 blog.py:140(exif)
     1000    0.080    0.000  118.452    0.118 run.py:7(run)
     5432  103.761    0.019  103.761    0.019 {built-in method time.sleep}
     1000    0.028    0.000  100.923    0.101 pty_spawn.py:316(close)
     1000    0.025    0.000  100.816    0.101 ptyprocess.py:387(close)
     1000    0.061    0.000    9.949    0.010 pty_spawn.py:36(__init__)
     1000    0.074    0.000    9.764    0.010 pty_spawn.py:239(_spawn)
     1000    0.041    0.000    8.682    0.009 pty_spawn.py:312(_spawnpty)
     1000    0.266    0.000    8.641    0.009 ptyprocess.py:178(spawn)
     1000    0.011    0.000    7.491    0.007 spawnbase.py:240(expect)
     1000    0.036    0.000    7.479    0.007 spawnbase.py:343(expect_list)
     1000    0.128    0.000    7.409    0.007 expect.py:91(expect_loop)
     6432    6.473    0.001    6.473    0.001 {built-in method posix.read}
     5432    0.089    0.000    3.818    0.001 pty_spawn.py:415(read_nonblocking)
     7348    0.029    0.000    3.162    0.000 utils.py:130(select_ignore_interrupts)
     7348    3.127    0.000    3.127    0.000 {built-in method select.select}
     1000    0.790    0.001    1.777    0.002 blog.py:15(bit_flip)
     1000    0.015    0.000    1.311    0.001 blog.py:134(create_new)
     1000    0.100    0.000    1.101    0.001 pty.py:79(fork)
     1000    1.000    0.001    1.000    0.001 {built-in method posix.forkpty}





def exif(counter,data):

    p = Popen(["exif", "mutated.jpg", "-verbose"], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
    (out,err) = p.communicate()

    if p.returncode == -11:
        f = open("crashes2/crash.{}.jpg".format(str(counter)), "ab+")

    #if counter % 100 == 0:
    #    print(counter, end="r")


2065580 function calls (2065443 primitive calls) in 2.756 seconds

   Ordered by: cumulative time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
     15/1    0.000    0.000    2.756    2.756 {built-in method builtins.exec}
        1    0.038    0.038    2.756    2.756 subpro.py:3(<module>)
     1000    0.020    0.000    1.917    0.002 subpro.py:139(exif)
     1000    0.026    0.000    1.121    0.001 subprocess.py:681(__init__)
     1000    0.099    0.000    1.045    0.001 subprocess.py:1412(_execute_child)





102981395 function calls (102981258 primitive calls) in 141.488 seconds

   Ordered by: cumulative time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
     15/1    0.000    0.000  141.488  141.488 {built-in method builtins.exec}
        1    1.724    1.724  141.488  141.488 subpro.py:3(<module>)
    50000    0.992    0.000  102.588    0.002 subpro.py:139(exif)
    50000    1.248    0.000   61.562    0.001 subprocess.py:681(__init__)
    50000    5.034    0.000   57.826    0.001 subprocess.py:1412(_execute_child)
    50000    0.437    0.000   39.586    0.001 subprocess.py:920(communicate)
    50000    2.527    0.000   39.064    0.001 subprocess.py:1662(_communicate)
   208254   37.508    0.000   37.508    0.000 {built-in method posix.read}
   158238    0.577    0.000   28.809    0.000 selectors.py:402(select)
   158238   28.131    0.000   28.131    0.000 {method 'poll' of 'select.poll' objects}
    50000   11.784    0.000   25.819    0.001 subpro.py:14(bit_flip)
  7950000    3.666    0.000   10.431    0.000 random.py:256(choice)
    50000    8.421    0.000    8.421    0.000 {built-in method _posixsubprocess.fork_exec}
    50000    0.162    0.000    7.358    0.000 subpro.py:133(create_new)
  7950000    4.096    0.000    6.130    0.000 random.py:224(_randbelow)
   203090    5.016    0.000    5.016    0.000 {built-in method io.open}
    50000    4.211    0.000    4.211    0.000 {method 'close' of '_io.BufferedRandom' objects}
    50000    1.643    0.000    4.194    0.000 os.py:617(get_exec_path)
    50000    1.733    0.000    3.356    0.000 subpro.py:8(get_bytes)
 35866791    2.635    0.000    2.635    0.000 {method 'append' of 'list' objects}
   100000    0.070    0.000    1.960    0.000 subprocess.py:1014(wait)
   100000    0.252    0.000    1.902    0.000 selectors.py:351(register)
   100000    0.444    0.000    1.890    0.000 subprocess.py:1621(_wait)
   100000    0.675    0.000    1.583    0.000 selectors.py:234(register)
   350000    0.432    0.000    1.501    0.000 subprocess.py:1471(<genexpr>)
 12074141    1.434    0.000    1.434    0.000 {method 'getrandbits' of '_random.Random' objects}
    50000    0.059    0.000    1.358    0.000 subprocess.py:1608(_try_wait)
    50000    1.299    0.000    1.299    0.000 {built-in method posix.waitpid}
   100000    0.488    0.000    1.058    0.000 os.py:674(__getitem__)
   100000    1.017    0.000    1.017    0.000 {method 'close' of '_io.BufferedReader' objects}



def bit_flip(data):

    num_of_flips = int((len(data) - 4) * .01)

    indexes = range(4, (len(data) - 4))

    chosen_indexes = []

    # iterate selecting indexes until we've hit our num_of_flips number
    counter = 0
    while counter < num_of_flips:
        counter += 1

    for x in chosen_indexes:
        current = data[x]
        current = (bin(current).replace("0b",""))
        current = "0" * (8 - len(current)) + current

        indexes = range(0,8)

        picked_index = random.choice(indexes)

        new_number = []

        # our new_number list now has all the digits, example: ['1', '0', '1', '0', '1', '0', '1', '0']
        for i in current:

        # if the number at our randomly selected index is a 1, make it a 0, and vice versa
        if new_number[picked_index] == "1":
            new_number[picked_index] = "0"
            new_number[picked_index] = "1"

        # create our new binary string of our bit-flipped number
        current = ''
        for i in new_number:
            current += i

        # convert that string to an integer
        current = int(current,2)

        # change the number in our byte array to our new number we just constructed
        data[x] = current

    return data



def bit_flip(data):

    length = len(data) - 4

    num_of_flips = int(length * .01)

    picked_indexes = []

    counter = 0
    while counter < num_of_flips:
        counter += 1

    for x in picked_indexes:
        mask = random.choice(range(1,9))
        data[x] = data[x] ^ mask

    return data


59376275 function calls (59376138 primitive calls) in 135.582 seconds

   Ordered by: cumulative time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
     15/1    0.000    0.000  135.582  135.582 {built-in method builtins.exec}
        1    1.940    1.940  135.582  135.582 subpro.py:3(<module>)
    50000    0.978    0.000  107.857    0.002 subpro.py:111(exif)
    50000    1.450    0.000   64.236    0.001 subprocess.py:681(__init__)
    50000    5.566    0.000   60.141    0.001 subprocess.py:1412(_execute_child)
    50000    0.534    0.000   42.259    0.001 subprocess.py:920(communicate)
    50000    2.827    0.000   41.637    0.001 subprocess.py:1662(_communicate)
   199549   38.249    0.000   38.249    0.000 {built-in method posix.read}
   149537    0.555    0.000   30.376    0.000 selectors.py:402(select)
   149537   29.722    0.000   29.722    0.000 {method 'poll' of 'select.poll' objects}
    50000    3.993    0.000   14.471    0.000 subpro.py:14(bit_flip)
  7950000    3.741    0.000   10.316    0.000 random.py:256(choice)
    50000    9.973    0.000    9.973    0.000 {built-in method _posixsubprocess.fork_exec}
    50000    0.163    0.000    7.034    0.000 subpro.py:105(create_new)
  7950000    3.987    0.000    5.952    0.000 random.py:224(_randbelow)
   202567    4.966    0.000    4.966    0.000 {built-in method io.open}
    50000    4.042    0.000    4.042    0.000 {method 'close' of '_io.BufferedRandom' objects}
    50000    1.539    0.000    3.828    0.000 os.py:617(get_exec_path)
    50000    1.843    0.000    3.607    0.000 subpro.py:8(get_bytes)
   100000    0.074    0.000    2.133    0.000 subprocess.py:1014(wait)
   100000    0.463    0.000    2.059    0.000 subprocess.py:1621(_wait)
   100000    0.274    0.000    2.046    0.000 selectors.py:351(register)
   100000    0.782    0.000    1.702    0.000 selectors.py:234(register)
    50000    0.055    0.000    1.507    0.000 subprocess.py:1608(_try_wait)
    50000    1.452    0.000    1.452    0.000 {built-in method posix.waitpid}
   350000    0.424    0.000    1.436    0.000 subprocess.py:1471(<genexpr>)
 12066317    1.339    0.000    1.339    0.000 {method 'getrandbits' of '_random.Random' objects}
   100000    0.466    0.000    1.048    0.000 os.py:674(__getitem__)
   100000    1.014    0.000    1.014    0.000 {method 'close' of '_io.BufferedReader' objects}






118749892 function calls (118749755 primitive calls) in 256.881 seconds




// this function simply creates a stream by opening a file in binary mode;
// finds the end of file, creates a string 'data', resizes data to be the same
// size as the file moves the file pointer back to the beginning of the file;
// reads the data from the into the data string;
std::string get_bytes(std::string filename)
    std::ifstream fin(filename, std::ios::binary);

    if (fin.is_open())
        fin.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
        std::string data;
        fin.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
        fin.read(&data[0], data.size());

        return data;

        std::cout << "Failed to open " << filename << ".n";



// this will take 1% of the bytes from our valid jpeg and
// flip a random bit in the byte and return the altered string
std::string bit_flip(std::string data)

    int size = (data.length() - 4);
    int num_of_flips = (int)(size * .01);

    // get a vector full of 1% of random byte indexes
    std::vector<int> picked_indexes;
    for (int i = 0; i < num_of_flips; i++)
        int picked_index = rand() % size;

    // iterate through the data string at those indexes and flip a bit
    for (int i = 0; i < picked_indexes.size(); ++i)
        int index = picked_indexes[i];
        char current = data.at(index);
        int decimal = ((int)current & 0xff);

        int bit_to_flip = rand() % 8;

        decimal ^= 1 << bit_to_flip;
        decimal &= 0xff;

        data[index] = (char)decimal;

    return data;



// takes mutated string and creates new jpeg with it;
void create_new(std::string mutated)
    std::ofstream fout("mutated.jpg", std::ios::binary);

    if (fout.is_open())
        fout.seekp(0, std::ios::beg);
        fout.write(&mutated[0], mutated.size());
        std::cout << "Failed to create mutated.jpg" << ".n";



// function to run a system command and store the output as a string;
// https://www.jeremymorgan.com/tutorials/c-programming/how-to-capture-the-output-of-a-linux-command-in-c/
std::string get_output(std::string cmd)
    std::string output;
    FILE * stream;
    char buffer[256];

    stream = popen(cmd.c_str(), "r");
    if (stream)
        while (!feof(stream))
            if (fgets(buffer, 256, stream) != NULL) output.append(buffer);

    return output;


// we actually run our exiv2 command via the get_output() func;
// retrieve the output in the form of a string and then we can parse the string;
// we'll save all the outputs that result in a segfault or floating point except;
void exif(std::string mutated, int counter)
    std::string command = "exif mutated.jpg -verbose 2>&1";

    std::string output = get_output(command);

    std::string segfault = "Segmentation";
    std::string floating_point = "Floating";

    std::size_t pos1 = output.find(segfault);
    std::size_t pos2 = output.find(floating_point);

    if (pos1 != -1)
        std::cout << "Segfault!n";
        std::ostringstream oss;
        oss << "/root/cppcrashes/crash." << counter << ".jpg";
        std::string filename = oss.str();
        std::ofstream fout(filename, std::ios::binary);

        if (fout.is_open())
                fout.seekp(0, std::ios::beg);
                fout.write(&mutated[0], mutated.size());
            std::cout << "Failed to create " << filename << ".jpg" << ".n";
    else if (pos2 != -1)
        std::cout << "Floating Point!n";
        std::ostringstream oss;
        oss << "/root/cppcrashes/crash." << counter << ".jpg";
        std::string filename = oss.str();
        std::ofstream fout(filename, std::ios::binary);

        if (fout.is_open())
                fout.seekp(0, std::ios::beg);
                fout.write(&mutated[0], mutated.size());
            std::cout << "Failed to create " << filename << ".jpg" << ".n";


exif()函数拿到输出结果后,查看是否有Segmentation fault或者Floating point exception错误,如果有,就将字节数据写入到文件中,并命名为crash.<counter>.jpg,这段过程和python脚本中的过程很像。

// simply generates a vector of strings that are our 'magic' values;
std::vector<std::string> vector_gen()
    std::vector<std::string> magic;

    using namespace std::string_literals;


    return magic;

// randomly picks a magic value from the vector and overwrites that many bytes in the image;
std::string magic(std::string data, std::vector<std::string> magic)

    int vector_size = magic.size();
    int picked_magic_index = rand() % vector_size;
    std::string picked_magic = magic[picked_magic_index];
    int size = (data.length() - 4);
    int picked_data_index = rand() % size;
    data.replace(picked_data_index, magic[picked_magic_index].length(), magic[picked_magic_index]);

    return data;


// returns 0 or 1;
int func_pick()
    int result = rand() % 2;

    return result;

这几个函数也类似python脚本中的函数。vector_gen()创建了magic number向量,接下来的magic()函数随机选取一个索引值,用该索引位置的magic number覆盖原始JPEG文件中的数据。

func_pick()函数很简单,就是返回一个0或者1,这样模糊测试器可以随机使用bit_flip()变异方法或者magic()变异方法。为了与python脚本保持一致性,在测试时我们只使用bit_flip()方法,在代码中临时加一句function = 1


int main(int argc, char** argv)

    if (argc < 3)
        std::cout << "Usage: ./cppfuzz <valid jpeg> <number_of_fuzzing_iterations>n";
        std::cout << "Usage: ./cppfuzz Canon_40D.jpg 10000n";
        return 1;

    // start timer
    auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

    // initialize our random seed

    // generate our vector of magic numbers
    std::vector<std::string> magic_vector = vector_gen();

    std::string filename = argv[1];
    int iterations = atoi(argv[2]);

    int counter = 0;
    while (counter < iterations)

        std::string data = get_bytes(filename);

        int function = func_pick();
        function = 1;
        if (function == 0)
            // utilize the magic mutation method; create new jpg; send to exiv2
            std::string mutated = magic(data, magic_vector);
            // utilize the bit flip mutation; create new jpg; send to exiv2
            std::string mutated = bit_flip(data);

    // stop timer and print execution time
    auto stop = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    auto duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(stop - start);
    std::cout << "Execution Time: " << duration.count() << "msn";

    return 0;




我运行了这个C++版本的模糊测试器,获得输出:Execution Time: 172638ms,即172秒。





我们先看一下Kali Linux里面都预安装了哪些软件,我在/usr/bin/中找到了一个exiv2程序:

root@kali:~# exiv2 -h
Usage: exiv2 [ options ] [ action ] file ...

Manipulate the Exif metadata of images.

  ad | adjust   Adjust Exif timestamps by the given time. This action
                requires at least one of the -a, -Y, -O or -D options.
  pr | print    Print image metadata.
  rm | delete   Delete image metadata from the files.
  in | insert   Insert metadata from corresponding *.exv files.
                Use option -S to change the suffix of the input files.
  ex | extract  Extract metadata to *.exv, *.xmp and thumbnail image files.
  mv | rename   Rename files and/or set file timestamps according to the
                Exif create timestamp. The filename format can be set with
                -r format, timestamp options are controlled with -t and -T.
  mo | modify   Apply commands to modify (add, set, delete) the Exif and
                IPTC metadata of image files or set the JPEG comment.
                Requires option -c, -m or -M.
  fi | fixiso   Copy ISO setting from the Nikon Makernote to the regular
                Exif tag.
  fc | fixcom   Convert the UNICODE Exif user comment to UCS-2. Its current
                character encoding can be specified with the -n option.

   -h      Display this help and exit.
   -V      Show the program version and exit.
   -v      Be verbose during the program run.
   -q      Silence warnings and error messages during the program run (quiet).
   -Q lvl  Set log-level to d(ebug), i(nfo), w(arning), e(rror) or m(ute).
   -b      Show large binary values.
   -u      Show unknown tags.
   -g key  Only output info for this key (grep).
   -K key  Only output info for this key (exact match).
   -n enc  Charset to use to decode UNICODE Exif user comments.
   -k      Preserve file timestamps (keep).
   -t      Also set the file timestamp in 'rename' action (overrides -k).
   -T      Only set the file timestamp in 'rename' action, do not rename
           the file (overrides -k).
   -f      Do not prompt before overwriting existing files (force).
   -F      Do not prompt before renaming files (Force).
   -a time Time adjustment in the format [-]HH[:MM[:SS]]. This option
           is only used with the 'adjust' action.
   -Y yrs  Year adjustment with the 'adjust' action.
   -O mon  Month adjustment with the 'adjust' action.
   -D day  Day adjustment with the 'adjust' action.
   -p mode Print mode for the 'print' action. Possible modes are:
             s : print a summary of the Exif metadata (the default)
             a : print Exif, IPTC and XMP metadata (shortcut for -Pkyct)
             t : interpreted (translated) Exif data (-PEkyct)
             v : plain Exif data values (-PExgnycv)
             h : hexdump of the Exif data (-PExgnycsh)
             i : IPTC data values (-PIkyct)
             x : XMP properties (-PXkyct)
             c : JPEG comment
             p : list available previews
             S : print structure of image
             X : extract XMP from image
   -P flgs Print flags for fine control of tag lists ('print' action):
             E : include Exif tags in the list
             I : IPTC datasets
             X : XMP properties
             x : print a column with the tag number
             g : group name
             k : key
             l : tag label
             n : tag name
             y : type
             c : number of components (count)
             s : size in bytes
             v : plain data value
             t : interpreted (translated) data
             h : hexdump of the data
   -d tgt  Delete target(s) for the 'delete' action. Possible targets are:
             a : all supported metadata (the default)
             e : Exif section
             t : Exif thumbnail only
             i : IPTC data
             x : XMP packet
             c : JPEG comment
   -i tgt  Insert target(s) for the 'insert' action. Possible targets are
           the same as those for the -d option, plus a modifier:
             X : Insert metadata from an XMP sidecar file <file>.xmp
           Only JPEG thumbnails can be inserted, they need to be named
   -e tgt  Extract target(s) for the 'extract' action. Possible targets
           are the same as those for the -d option, plus a target to extract
           preview images and a modifier to generate an XMP sidecar file:
             p[<n>[,<m> ...]] : Extract preview images.
             X : Extract metadata to an XMP sidecar file <file>.xmp
   -r fmt  Filename format for the 'rename' action. The format string
           follows strftime(3). The following keywords are supported:
             :basename:   - original filename without extension
             :dirname:    - name of the directory holding the original file
             :parentname: - name of parent directory
           Default filename format is %Y%m%d_%H%M%S.
   -c txt  JPEG comment string to set in the image.
   -m file Command file for the modify action. The format for commands is
           set|add|del <key> [[<type>] <value>].
   -M cmd  Command line for the modify action. The format for the
           commands is the same as that of the lines of a command file.
   -l dir  Location (directory) for files to be inserted from or extracted to.
   -S .suf Use suffix .suf for source files for insert command.


所以现在进行模糊测试的命令行字符串应该类似于exiv2 pr -v mutated.jpg


已经有很多高级的模糊测试器对这个新的目标进行过测试了,在谷歌上搜索’ASan exiv2’,你可以找到很多模糊测试器在该二进制文件中发现的段错误,以及作为漏洞报告传给项目的ASan输出结果。所以说和我们上一次选择的目标文件相比,这次的选择是一个很大的挑战。

exiv2 on Github

exiv2 Website



先使用Python版本的模糊测试器,测试它在50,000次迭代时的性能,这里我们加了一些新的代码,除了要监控Segmentation fault之外,还监控了Floating point exceptions,新的exif()函数如下所示:

def exif(counter,data):

    p = Popen(["exiv2", "pr", "-v", "mutated.jpg"], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
    (out,err) = p.communicate()

    if p.returncode == -11:
        f = open("crashes2/crash.{}.jpg".format(str(counter)), "ab+")

    elif p.returncode == -8:
        f = open("crashes2/crash.{}.jpg".format(str(counter)), "ab+")
        print("Floating Point!")

python3 -m cProfile -s cumtime subpro.py ~/jpegs/Canon_40D.jpg的输出结果:

75780446 function calls (75780309 primitive calls) in 213.595 seconds

   Ordered by: cumulative time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
     15/1    0.000    0.000  213.595  213.595 {built-in method builtins.exec}
        1    1.481    1.481  213.595  213.595 subpro.py:3(<module>)
    50000    0.818    0.000  187.205    0.004 subpro.py:111(exif)
    50000    0.543    0.000  143.499    0.003 subprocess.py:920(communicate)
    50000    6.773    0.000  142.873    0.003 subprocess.py:1662(_communicate)
  1641352    3.186    0.000  122.668    0.000 selectors.py:402(select)
  1641352  118.799    0.000  118.799    0.000 {method 'poll' of 'select.poll' objects}
    50000    1.220    0.000   42.888    0.001 subprocess.py:681(__init__)
    50000    4.400    0.000   39.364    0.001 subprocess.py:1412(_execute_child)
  1691919   25.759    0.000   25.759    0.000 {built-in method posix.read}
    50000    3.863    0.000   13.938    0.000 subpro.py:14(bit_flip)
  7950000    3.587    0.000    9.991    0.000 random.py:256(choice)
    50000    7.495    0.000    7.495    0.000 {built-in method _posixsubprocess.fork_exec}
    50000    0.148    0.000    7.081    0.000 subpro.py:105(create_new)
  7950000    3.884    0.000    5.764    0.000 random.py:224(_randbelow)
   200000    4.582    0.000    4.582    0.000 {built-in method io.open}
    50000    4.192    0.000    4.192    0.000 {method 'close' of '_io.BufferedRandom' objects}
    50000    1.339    0.000    3.612    0.000 os.py:617(get_exec_path)
    50000    1.641    0.000    3.309    0.000 subpro.py:8(get_bytes)
   100000    0.077    0.000    1.822    0.000 subprocess.py:1014(wait)
   100000    0.432    0.000    1.746    0.000 subprocess.py:1621(_wait)
   100000    0.256    0.000    1.735    0.000 selectors.py:351(register)
   100000    0.619    0.000    1.422    0.000 selectors.py:234(register)
   350000    0.380    0.000    1.402    0.000 subprocess.py:1471(<genexpr>)
 12066004    1.335    0.000    1.335    0.000 {method 'getrandbits' of '_random.Random' objects}
    50000    0.063    0.000    1.222    0.000 subprocess.py:1608(_try_wait)
    50000    1.160    0.000    1.160    0.000 {built-in method posix.waitpid}
   100000    0.519    0.000    1.143    0.000 os.py:674(__getitem__)
  1691352    0.902    0.000    1.097    0.000 selectors.py:66(__len__)
  7234121    1.023    0.000    1.023    0.000 {method 'append' of 'list' objects}



root@kali:~# ./blogcpp ~/jpegs/Canon_40D.jpg 50000
Execution Time: 170829ms


接下来让这个C++版本的模糊测试器运行一会,看看是否能找到什么漏洞 :)。




root@kali:~# ./blogcpp ~/jpegs/Canon_40D.jpg 1000000
Floating Point!

看起来我们找了一个Floating Point exception,所以现在`cppcrashes文件夹中应该已经有一个JPEG文件等着我们了。

root@kali:~/cppcrashes# ls


root@kali:~/cppcrashes# exiv2 pr -v crash.522.jpg
File 1/1: crash.522.jpg
Error: Offset of directory Image, entry 0x011b is out of bounds: Offset = 0x080000ae; truncating the entry
Warning: Directory Image, entry 0x8825 has unknown Exif (TIFF) type 68; setting type size 1.
Warning: Directory Image, entry 0x8825 doesn't look like a sub-IFD.
File name       : crash.522.jpg
File size       : 7958 Bytes
MIME type       : image/jpeg
Image size      : 100 x 68
Camera make     : Aanon
Camera model    : Canon EOS 40D
Image timestamp : 2008:05:30 15:56:01
Image number    : 
Exposure time   : 1/160 s
Aperture        : F7.1
Floating point exception






123052109 function calls (123001828 primitive calls) in 6243.939 seconds






#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import random
from subprocess import Popen,PIPE

# read bytes from our valid JPEG and return them in a mutable bytearray 
def get_bytes(filename):

    f = open(filename, "rb").read()

    return bytearray(f)

def bit_flip(data):

    length = len(data) - 4

    num_of_flips = int(length * .01)

    picked_indexes = []

    counter = 0
    while counter < num_of_flips:
        counter += 1

    for x in picked_indexes:
        mask = random.choice(range(1,9))
        data[x] = data[x] ^ mask

    return data

def magic(data):

    magic_vals = [
    (1, 255),
    (1, 255),
    (1, 127),
    (1, 0),
    (2, 255),
    (2, 0),
    (4, 255),
    (4, 0),
    (4, 128),
    (4, 64),
    (4, 127)

    picked_magic = random.choice(magic_vals)

    length = len(data) - 8
    index = range(0, length)
    picked_index = random.choice(index)

    # here we are hardcoding all the byte overwrites for all of the tuples that begin (1, )
    if picked_magic[0] == 1:
        if picked_magic[1] == 255:            # 0xFF
            data[picked_index] = 255
        elif picked_magic[1] == 127:        # 0x7F
            data[picked_index] = 127
        elif picked_magic[1] == 0:            # 0x00
            data[picked_index] = 0

    # here we are hardcoding all the byte overwrites for all of the tuples that begin (2, )
    elif picked_magic[0] == 2:
        if picked_magic[1] == 255:            # 0xFFFF
            data[picked_index] = 255
            data[picked_index + 1] = 255
        elif picked_magic[1] == 0:            # 0x0000
            data[picked_index] = 0
            data[picked_index + 1] = 0

    # here we are hardcoding all of the byte overwrites for all of the tuples that being (4, )
    elif picked_magic[0] == 4:
        if picked_magic[1] == 255:            # 0xFFFFFFFF
            data[picked_index] = 255
            data[picked_index + 1] = 255
            data[picked_index + 2] = 255
            data[picked_index + 3] = 255
        elif picked_magic[1] == 0:            # 0x00000000
            data[picked_index] = 0
            data[picked_index + 1] = 0
            data[picked_index + 2] = 0
            data[picked_index + 3] = 0
        elif picked_magic[1] == 128:        # 0x80000000
            data[picked_index] = 128
            data[picked_index + 1] = 0
            data[picked_index + 2] = 0
            data[picked_index + 3] = 0
        elif picked_magic[1] == 64:            # 0x40000000
            data[picked_index] = 64
            data[picked_index + 1] = 0
            data[picked_index + 2] = 0
            data[picked_index + 3] = 0
        elif picked_magic[1] == 127:        # 0x7FFFFFFF
            data[picked_index] = 127
            data[picked_index + 1] = 255
            data[picked_index + 2] = 255
            data[picked_index + 3] = 255

    return data

# create new jpg with mutated data
def create_new(data):

    f = open("mutated.jpg", "wb+")

def exif(counter,data):

    p = Popen(["exiv2", "pr", "-v", "mutated.jpg"], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
    (out,err) = p.communicate()

    if p.returncode == -11:
        f = open("crashes2/crash.{}.jpg".format(str(counter)), "ab+")

    elif p.returncode == -8:
        f = open("crashes2/crash.{}.jpg".format(str(counter)), "ab+")
        print("Floating Point!")

    #if counter % 100 == 0:
    #    print(counter, end="r")

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print("Usage: JPEGfuzz.py <valid_jpg>")

    filename = sys.argv[1]
    counter = 0
    while counter < 50000:
        data = get_bytes(filename)
        functions = [0, 1]
        picked_function = random.choice(functions)
        picked_function = 1
        if picked_function == 0:
            mutated = magic(data)
            mutated = bit_flip(data)

        counter += 1


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <bits/stdc++.h> 

// this function simply creates a stream by opening a file in binary mode;
// finds the end of file, creates a string 'data', resizes data to be the same
// size as the file moves the file pointer back to the beginning of the file;
// reads the data from the into the data string;
std::string get_bytes(std::string filename)
    std::ifstream fin(filename, std::ios::binary);

    if (fin.is_open())
        fin.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
        std::string data;
        fin.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
        fin.read(&data[0], data.size());

        return data;

        std::cout << "Failed to open " << filename << ".n";


// this will take 1% of the bytes from our valid jpeg and
// flip a random bit in the byte and return the altered string
std::string bit_flip(std::string data)

    int size = (data.length() - 4);
    int num_of_flips = (int)(size * .01);

    // get a vector full of 1% of random byte indexes
    std::vector<int> picked_indexes;
    for (int i = 0; i < num_of_flips; i++)
        int picked_index = rand() % size;

    // iterate through the data string at those indexes and flip a bit
    for (int i = 0; i < picked_indexes.size(); ++i)
        int index = picked_indexes[i];
        char current = data.at(index);
        int decimal = ((int)current & 0xff);

        int bit_to_flip = rand() % 8;

        decimal ^= 1 << bit_to_flip;
        decimal &= 0xff;

        data[index] = (char)decimal;

    return data;


// takes mutated string and creates new jpeg with it;
void create_new(std::string mutated)
    std::ofstream fout("mutated.jpg", std::ios::binary);

    if (fout.is_open())
        fout.seekp(0, std::ios::beg);
        fout.write(&mutated[0], mutated.size());
        std::cout << "Failed to create mutated.jpg" << ".n";


// function to run a system command and store the output as a string;
// https://www.jeremymorgan.com/tutorials/c-programming/how-to-capture-the-output-of-a-linux-command-in-c/
std::string get_output(std::string cmd)
    std::string output;
    FILE * stream;
    char buffer[256];

    stream = popen(cmd.c_str(), "r");
    if (stream)
        while (!feof(stream))
            if (fgets(buffer, 256, stream) != NULL) output.append(buffer);

    return output;


// we actually run our exiv2 command via the get_output() func;
// retrieve the output in the form of a string and then we can parse the string;
// we'll save all the outputs that result in a segfault or floating point except;
void exif(std::string mutated, int counter)
    std::string command = "exiv2 pr -v mutated.jpg 2>&1";

    std::string output = get_output(command);

    std::string segfault = "Segmentation";
    std::string floating_point = "Floating";

    std::size_t pos1 = output.find(segfault);
    std::size_t pos2 = output.find(floating_point);

    if (pos1 != -1)
        std::cout << "Segfault!n";
        std::ostringstream oss;
        oss << "/root/cppcrashes/crash." << counter << ".jpg";
        std::string filename = oss.str();
        std::ofstream fout(filename, std::ios::binary);

        if (fout.is_open())
                fout.seekp(0, std::ios::beg);
                fout.write(&mutated[0], mutated.size());
            std::cout << "Failed to create " << filename << ".jpg" << ".n";
    else if (pos2 != -1)
        std::cout << "Floating Point!n";
        std::ostringstream oss;
        oss << "/root/cppcrashes/crash." << counter << ".jpg";
        std::string filename = oss.str();
        std::ofstream fout(filename, std::ios::binary);

        if (fout.is_open())
                fout.seekp(0, std::ios::beg);
                fout.write(&mutated[0], mutated.size());
            std::cout << "Failed to create " << filename << ".jpg" << ".n";

// simply generates a vector of strings that are our 'magic' values;
std::vector<std::string> vector_gen()
    std::vector<std::string> magic;

    using namespace std::string_literals;


    return magic;

// randomly picks a magic value from the vector and overwrites that many bytes in the image;
std::string magic(std::string data, std::vector<std::string> magic)

    int vector_size = magic.size();
    int picked_magic_index = rand() % vector_size;
    std::string picked_magic = magic[picked_magic_index];
    int size = (data.length() - 4);
    int picked_data_index = rand() % size;
    data.replace(picked_data_index, magic[picked_magic_index].length(), magic[picked_magic_index]);

    return data;


// returns 0 or 1;
int func_pick()
    int result = rand() % 2;

    return result;

int main(int argc, char** argv)

    if (argc < 3)
        std::cout << "Usage: ./cppfuzz <valid jpeg> <number_of_fuzzing_iterations>n";
        std::cout << "Usage: ./cppfuzz Canon_40D.jpg 10000n";
        return 1;

    // start timer
    auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

    // initialize our random seed

    // generate our vector of magic numbers
    std::vector<std::string> magic_vector = vector_gen();

    std::string filename = argv[1];
    int iterations = atoi(argv[2]);

    int counter = 0;
    while (counter < iterations)

        std::string data = get_bytes(filename);

        int function = func_pick();
        function = 1;
        if (function == 0)
            // utilize the magic mutation method; create new jpg; send to exiv2
            std::string mutated = magic(data, magic_vector);
            // utilize the bit flip mutation; create new jpg; send to exiv2
            std::string mutated = bit_flip(data);

    // stop timer and print execution time
    auto stop = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    auto duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(stop - start);
    std::cout << "Execution Time: " << duration.count() << "msn";

    return 0;
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